10 Hollywood celebrities who are known to be suffering from the medical condition called fibromyalgia!
- Fibromyalgia-a disease characterized by generalized whole body muscular and joint pains and easy fatiguability affects millions of people worldwide.
- It does not have any distinctive features and hence is easily overlooked or gets misdiagnosed.
The diagnosis is reached by the exclusion of other conditions with similar or overlapping complaints.
Though common, its cause is unknown. Not only the commoners but many celebrities also suffer from this disease. Do go through the below list to know which of your favorite stars are afflicted by the disease.
Morgan Freeman
Morgan Freeman is a great actor who has openly spoken about his fibromyalgia. He has linked his symptoms to his 2008 car accident.
Morgan has dull pains and aches due to the disease but this does not stop him from working which he enjoys.

Speaking about his disease, he has made people aware of the condition, and also people affected by the disease would not feel alone.
Sinead O’Connor
Sinead O’Connor has a great voice and when diagnosed, Sinead had gone on a hiatus for some time. But she soon made a comeback.
She has managed with her therapy and lifestyle changes to control her symptoms and has also realized that though incurable, she can overcome them with her determination.
Susan Flanner
Susan Flanner played a major role in the soap opera ‘The Bold and the Beautiful’. She was diagnosed with the disease around the year 2007 and took a break from her work to overcome her health issue and find the right way to manage it. She is now again back to work and has not let her disease come in the way of the disease.
Michael James Hastings
Michael James Hastings after his diagnosis quit the entertainment world. But he thought it his duty to spread awareness of the disease and is now the national spokesperson for fibromyalgia. He wants the patients with this condition to know that they are not alone.
Rosie Hamlin
Singer Rosie Hamlin also is known to be a victim of this medical condition but though she has left her work due to the condition, she switched to another arena that was equally liked by her namely painting. She is now enjoying this new vocation and also remains the spokesperson for the disease.

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Janeane Garofalo
Janeane Garofalo‘s job is to make other people smile. She suffers from this painful condition but it is worth appreciating that despite all the pain, she endures it and keeps smiling and making others smile with her. Hats off to this comedian!
Frances Winfield Bremer
This wife of Ambassador L. Paul Bremer III has silently suffered the pain of fibromyalgia for more than 3 decades, but she is an inspirational model who inspires others to never yield to this painful condition.
A.J. Langer
This Ohio native and actress known for her role in the TV series My so-called Life has been reported also to suffer from the disease and despite having a wonderful married life with an English Earl, her health condition does derail it at times.
Florence Nightingale
This wonderful founder of modern nursing also was a patient with fibromyalgia. Also called the Lady with the Lamp, Florence believed that her muscular pain had been triggered by an infection. She worked tirelessly for the ailing patients and died at the ripe old age of 90 in her sleep.
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Debbie Allen

This dancer cum choreographer Debbie Allen has been rumored to be afflicted with this painful condition. But she has never talked about it or admitted that she has the condition. She has preferred to remain silent on this issue. It may be possible since she might be afraid that it might affect her career.