The 100 ml rule on air flights and how to circumvent it!
Since 2006, airlines worldwide have imposed the 100 ml rule for hand baggage. You can keep more than 100 ml liquid containers in your check-in baggage. But many passengers now prefer to only carry a hand baggage during travel to cut down on travel costs and to speeden up and ease the travel process. How can such passengers carry more liquids in their cabin baggage? There are some tips on how to do it below.
The 100 ml liquid rule of airlines
For security reasons, all airlines globally have imposed the 100 ml liquid rule for hand baggage. This means that there is a ban in place against carrying more than 100 ml of liquids on board in your hand baggage. It implies that all liquids have to be in containers which are less than 3.4 ounces or 100ml. All such containers must fit into a clear, one-quart sized Ziploc plastic bag.

Containers larger than the recommended size of 100 ml are not allowed on board even if they are not full and contain less than 100 ml volume of liquids. Also Ziploc plastic bag larger than recommended is not allowed.
Passengers go through tenseful and stressful moments since they are not sure whether the liquids in their cabin baggage is J St enough or more by the airlines security guidelines. But they also want to carry enough toothpastes, makeup accessories, for their trip. Besides, if the airlines refuse the amount they are carrying on board, they will have to forego those liquids since they cannot go back and repack into their check-in baggage since they have already given away those bags at the check-in points of the airlines. So what is the way out of all this problem?
This 100 ml rule came into effect in 2006 after attackers, were found to carry explosives in soft drink bottles on a transatlantic flight to target flights from the UK to the USA and Canada. This bid was foiled by the British police.
Boots provides one solution
The high-street chemist chain Boots has its outlets in the airports of various cities of the UK. These include in Heathrow Airport, Gatwick Airport, London City Airport, London Stansted Airport, London Luton Airport, Manchester Airport, Birmingham Airport, and Leeds Bradford Airport.

Boots now offers airport services in order to ensure that their clients have everything with them before they fly. The passengers can order their chosen items, at least three days before their planned travel date. These items they can pick up from the Boots stores in the airports after they clear the security. This will save them the headache of packing things, as per the security guidelines and at the same time, they can have what they want in their cabin baggage.
The firm states:
“You can pick up an Order & Collect delivery from a Boots airside airport store (after security), but please be aware that you need to place your order at least three days before you fly. Please choose the day of your flight as the day of collection.”
The other tip for liquids in cabin bags
But if people already have heir liquid requirements and do not want to sell out more money for new items can use these tricks to bag liquids wisely. A travel expert reveals, that one can plan ahead by checking with the hotel where they would stay on availability of toiletries there.
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Most hotels provide these essentials in the day rent and hence the passenger can do away with carrying toiletries altogether if the hotel is providing it to them. Lizzie Pook, a travel journalist told Cosmopolitan:
“You can massively cut down on your toiletries by doing a little bit of forward planning,”
She added:
“If you’re staying at a hotel, take a look at its website to see if there are any mentions of the toiletries provided in the bathroom.
“If not, send an email and ask, then you don’t need to take those products with you.”
One can check the likely requirements and pack accordingly. Karen Edwards, a travel blogger states:
“Use miniatures,”
She added:
“Pouring toiletries into smaller containers will not only take up less space but will limit the weight.”
Source: Express UK