5 Hollywood celebrities who believe in and practice black magic!
People believe in the power of the mighty and magic. They practice it as well. Many celebrities also resort to these practices and employ black magic for various reasons. Let us take a look and try to find out who these celebrities are:
5. David Bowie
David Bowie is counted amongst the most famous rock musicians of all time. He had done a lot of experimentation with sound, style, and persona. In 1976, David got obsessed with black magic and drug addiction. He began using magic to gain success and keep away the demonic forces.

He would draw the figure of a pentagram everywhere. This was not all. He started some strange rants, would not go beyond the third floor of any building, did some strange rituals, and strongly believed that witches were around who were trying to steal his seed to make a demon baby. This English singer-songwriter used to practice Tibetan magic which he knew. He died on 10 January 2016.
4. William S. Burroughs
This famed author had a lot of good work to his credit. He used to love to curse and would place curses on people and places he did not like or who had wronged him in any way. He was not on good terms with fellow novelist Truman Capote. William was so enraged that he once cursed him:
“You will never have anything else. You will never write another sentence above the level of In Cold Blood. As a writer you are finished.”

And lo and behold! His curse had come true. Truman was unable to publish any good material before his death and after the curse.
3. Grimes
Canadian Grimes has given the world some melodious music and an odd persona. She believes in the unknown and before her recording would do some strange and unique things. Before her recording, she used to lock herself without food, water, or company for prolonged periods to access some weird realms of her consciousness. She once told in an interview that on day 9 of such deprivation, everything changed.

She said:
“I started to feel like I was channeling spirits. I was convinced my music was a gift from God. It was like I knew exactly what to do next, as if my songs were already written.”
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2. Jimmy Page
The guitarist of Led Zeppelin Jimmy Page does not practice black magic but is deeply interested in the subject. He has a rare and large collection of Aleister Crowley’s mystic materials and objects.
From the age of 11, he began reading his books and writings and was deeply drawn to them. He went on to purchase Crowley’s haunted old home called Boleskine house which is on the shore of Loch Ness in Scotland.

He sold the house later and purchased an occult bookstore in London which he named Equinox. His music also has occult references and the band’s album covers bear mystic symbols on them. He also wears these mystic symbols on stage and also believes in their powers.
1. Alan Moore
The comic book writer Alan Moore is a practicing magician since the year of 1993. He does not deal with black magic but is more into trying to understand the power of magic. Alan strongly believes that art and magic are closely linked and are, in fact, extensions of each other. He constantly used to question the new realms of human experience and consciousness and felt that they are worth exploring.

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