Shannon Woolsey

Shannon Woolsey’s relationship status is taken. According to the data of Married Biography, she has been dating a guy for a while whose name is Ben Christian.

Her boyfriend is a gym owner plus a personal trainer. Their romance can be seen on social sites where Shannon regularly uploads their pictures.

In Dec 2021 shared a picture in which this lovely couple was sitting on a boat kissing each other.

Greg Vanney

Greg Vanney is a married man. His wife’s name is Amy Vanney. To date, the couple has not shared any details on his wedding, relationship, and dating.

Together, the couple is blessed with four children including a daughter, Kaia, and three sons, twin Dylan, Mason, and Christian.

The 10-year-old twins; Dylan and Mason are interested in football. His son, Mason plays as a defender and midfielder whereas Dylan plays as a Forward.

Currently, they are members of TFC Academy and play for the under-12 team.

Also, his 7-year son, Christian is being trained under the training program, TFC Juniors.

Lexi Brumback

Lexi Brumback is currently in a relationship with Dominic Green since 2019.

Dominic is a transgender pansexual man and he believes in himself, many Gods, and in the Universe.

There is no information about her previous relationship.

The actress is very focused on the second season of the series, Cheer. 

Also, her Instagram posts suggest that she shares as a very strong bond with her costar, Dillon Brandt. Also, she has confirmed that she is a bisexual.