Nessa Barrett

Currently, Nessa Barrett is single and not in a relationship with anyone.

She likes to visit different beautiful and has a pet dog.

Relationship Rumor

However, there is a rumor that Barrett is dating Josh Richards. peoples think that they might be dating because of their romantic appearances on social media.

But, Both of them never answered or posted anything about these rumors.

Vanessa Marcil

Gorgeous and charming, Marcil is engaged to a deputy sheriff, MC in 2015. She was proposed with Audrey Hepburn’s gold band. Marcil also shared that they were planning for their wedding.

In 2017, she shared that she was pregnant but later she lost that baby. Sadly, she has suffered from miscarriage seven times. She shared the news on her IG handle with a heartfelt caption,

“Our hearts are with Vanessa and MC who have lost baby OPM. Thank you for respecting their privacy as they heal and thank you for sharing all of your personal stories. You are not alone.”

Former Spouses

Previously she was married to Corey Feldman in the year 1989 and divorced in 1993.

She also dated Brian Austin Green and welcomed their first son named Kassius Lijah. Marcil and Brian got separated in 2003 and again Marcil married an actor Carmine Giovinazzo on July 11, 2010. Marcil again filed for divorce which was finalized in March 2013.

Josh Richards

Josh Richards is dating Nessa Barrett. His girlfriend Nessa is a social media personality, TikTok star, and Youtuber.

The relationship of this couple is quite unusual as they have an on and off affair. He has made a video saying that they broke up whereas in the next video they patched up!


He is learning to play a guitar.