“I am gay.” Aaron Schock, former Illinois Congressman comes out as gay!
- The former Congressman from Illinois, Aaron Schock has come out as gay.
- He put up a, rather lengthy post on his Instagram to share the details of his sexuality with his fans.
Aaron Schock and his coming out announcement
The former Congressman who hails from Illinois decided to gather all his courage and come out of the closet. He has struggled with his sexuality for many years but now no more.
Hence he posted a lengthy announcement on it on his Instagram for his 41.5k followers.
He wrote:
“I am gay.”
“For those who know me and for many who only know of me, this will come as no surprise. For the past year, I have been working through a list of people who I felt should finally hear the news directly from me before I made a public statement. I wanted my mother, my father, my sisters, my brother, and my closest friends to hear it from me first.”

Further, the post read:
“The fact that I am gay is just one of those things in my life in need of explicit affirmation, to remove any doubt and to finally validate who I am as a person. In many ways I regret the time wasted in not having done so sooner.
“I offer my story as one person’s experience. I’ve come to believe it is, in some respects, just a more public version of a difficult and ultimately, now optimistic, journey familiar to many LGBTQ people.”
Additionally, he put it up on his website.
About Aaron’s family and birth
Aaron revealed that he grew up in the rural Midwest in a highly religious family. They migrated from Minnesota to Peoria, Illinois and this new area had more liberal people. His natural feelings came up but he forced his thoughts into his work and goals.

Firstly, he was elected to the school board at 19, on to the Illinois legislature at 23, and then to Congress at 27. He moved in 2009 to Washington and was the youngest member of Congress at that time. Thinking that his coming out would affect his career, he continued to struggle with it for many years.
He was forced to resign the Congress in 2015 after charges of spending excessively in campaigns were levied against him. In the years that followed he tried to clear his name. The case against him was also withdrawn last March. Hence he decided to come out. But his family did not accept his truth.
The criticism of his post
Following his post, there were many who were quick to recall that Aaron had on previous occasions opposed LGBTQ causes. He had voted against the legislation on same-sex marriages and the repeal of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy.
He said:
“Where was I, they will ask, when I was in a position to help advance issues important to gay Americans?”

But he added:
“if I were in Congress today, I would support L.G.B.T.Q. rights in every way I could.”
Source: NY Times