Abby Lee Miller: Her regrets, her frauds, her legal issues and her departure from the Dance Moms show: Read on all of that here!
American dance teacher, choreographer, and owner of Reign Dance Productions, Abby Lee Miller has been found guilty of bankruptcy fraud.
She was also on LifeTime’s reality show ‘Dance Moms’ which shows the teaching of her students and their dance competitions at her Abby Lee Dance Academy’ which is housed in her Reign Dance Productions.
Abby Lee Miller’s financial frauds
In 2010, Abby Lee Miller had filed for bankruptcy and owed the Government treasury more than $ 400000 in taxes. As her bankruptcy case was underway, it was noticed that Abby Lee Miller had not disclosed the income she was earning from her reality shows.
She was accused of concealing income, bankruptcy fraud, concealment of bankruptcy assets, and false bankruptcy declarations in October 2015.
Miller was found to have opened a secret bank account in 2012-2013 for depositing and hiding income that she earned through her masterclasses, TV deals, and merchandise sales. She has also brought in international money over what is allowed without declaration.
Normally, only $10000 could be imported into the country from outside. Abby Lee Miller made separate packets of this money in plastic bags and made each of her academy workers carry a packet so that it could be brought into the country without the knowledge of the customs.
She had allegedly not declared income to the tune of $7, 55000. Miller pleaded not guilty initially but in June 2016, she pleaded guilty after she entered into negotiations with the IRS criminal investigators. She was sentenced in May 2017 which included one year and one day in jail, followed by 2 years of supervised release.
She was fined $ 40000 and also a $ 120000 judgment and a DNA sample. The prison term starts within 45 days of the verdict. As Abby Lee Miller gets ready to go to prison, she gave an interview to Star Magazine. She said:
“Filing for bankruptcy in 2010 “is now the biggest regret of my life. I should have fought the township on the taxes.”
She was full of frustration. She has also angered her sentencing Judge by saying:
“I wish you could take my class-I really want to go to lunch with you after this.”

Also, read Health Update! Abby Lee Miller’s near-fatal rare spinal infection that left her paralyzed neck down!
Her other legal tangles
Abby Lee Miller took over her mom’s Mary Lorrain Dance Studio in 1995 and renamed it as Reign Dance Productions. She opened the Abby Lee Dance Academy here and a new studio was inaugurated in Los Angeles. Miller was with the show ‘Dance Moms’ for seven seasons from 2011 to 2017.
She is said to be a strict dance instructor. There was a lot of bickering and fights on her reality show usually between her and her students’ moms.
She started having legal cases filed against her in 2014. Miller was charged with assault, and fights and the show’s producers were also accused of creating a violent combative atmosphere to attract more viewers. She also was accused of causing emotional distress to her child students.
Her other students also sued her for her terrible way of teaching them and leading to severe emotional disturbances in their young minds. Her method of training her students in dance was heavily criticized and she lost her membership in the Dance Masters of Pennsylvania Chapter #10. The DMA said:
“Miller’s reality TV show ‘Dance Moms’ is a total misrepresentation of our dance educators and their students and is detrimental to the dance profession.”

Departure from Dance Moms show
Abby Lee Miller had bid an internet farewell to the show due to which she rose to fame and wealth. She had become a star after she joined the Dance Moms show. However, alleging manipulation and lack of artistic and professional integrity, she left the show in a haste. She felt that the production team ill-treated her and reveled in mistreating her. She said:
“This was a long time coming for me. Nobody knew. I was just so irate”.
She added:
“There was a lot that went on. I don’t think the production team has ever been able to differentiate between my livelihood, which they think is a TV show, and my livelihood as a dance teacher with a dance studio. To me, I never know when the show’s going to end. I know my dance studio is not going to end until I say it ends.”
She loved teaching the children and her students and this is what she will miss.
The production team never got back to her after her exit. The show is entering the 8th season without her and she has been replaced by Cheryl Burke.

Short Bio on Abby Lee Miller
Abby Lee Miller is an American dance instructor, choreographer, and the director and owner of Reign Dance Productions. Additionally, she was also the founder of the Abby Lee Dance Company and appeared on the reality television series ‘Dance Moms’ for seven seasons. More Bio…