‘I’ve been groomed by CarsonCallMe’ a victim said on Twitter! CallMeCarson on serious trouble?
CallMeCarson whose real name is Carson King is in serious trouble after he was alleged to have sent inappropriate messages to several young women after interacting with them on social media.
His accusers have come forward on 5th January 2021 and claimed that he messaged them on Discord and Snapchat.

Likewise, a Twitter thread created by an 18-year-old named Sam has since become the primary allegation against King.
Sam accused him of grooming which in the definition of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children states ‘when someone builds a relationship, trust and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit and abuse them’. Sam tweeted,
“Grooming, pedophilia, Carson situation// I can personally come out and say that I’ve been groomed by Carson. I have talked to many people and never came out about this since now. At the time I was still 17 and in high school.”
He was just 17 years old and Carson was 19 at the time. He started messaging her privately. Similarly, she shared screenshots of the supposed Discord messages on Twitter that appear to show King sending sexually suggestive messages to her.
Was Carson faking a relationship?
Around March 2020, Carson King took a break for the sake of his mental health. On 1st April 2020, he replied to his comment saying that his girlfriend Kate known as Katerino had cheated on him with his friend Fitz.
Carson claimed that they knew about his mental health when they cheated on him. He even claimed that he found out about Kate having multiple boyfriends.

After a long controversy and being blamed, Katerino finally released a video ‘an update’ where she cleared everything up. Katerino revealed that they were not in a relationship. It was later found that Carson was faking being in a relationship with Katerino.
How many YouTube channels does CallMeCarson have?
CallMeCarson has three YouTube channels. His main channel ‘CallMeCarson’ was created on 17th November 2014 and has 3.16 million subscribers.
He has uploaded more than 158 videos on his channel and he mostly makes gaming and comedy videos. His next channel ‘CallMeCarsonLIVE’ has 1.87 million subscribers and was created on 10th March 2019.
Similarly, his YouTube channel ‘CallMeCarson Plus’ has 222k subscribers. He made the channel on 20th July 2016.
Carson had first created a video in 2011 under the name ‘bluecreepers1’ but he left the channel on 25th November 2011. After that on 29th November 2011, he uploaded his first video on the channel ‘GamerCraft157’ but stopped posting on 7th May 2012.

Again on 8th July 2012, he posted his 1st video to the YouTube channel ‘iceboxSP’. The last video for the channel was posted on 16th March 2013.
CallMeCarson on social media
CallMeCarson has an Instagram account with 2.3 million followers. He has made more than 250 posts on his Instagram. He has photoshopped his face on the body of many celebrities. Likewise, he is known for his funny photoshops. Similarly, his Twitter has 1.5 million followers and he joined it in February 2014. Carson has a TikTok account with 1.1 million followers.
He has 9.6 million likes on his TikTokvideos. His videos get thousands of views. Carson is also a Twitch account with 1.4 million followers.