Celebrities Alert! Six Female Celebrities You Didn’t Know Had Anxiety throughout their career; Click to find out who the celebs are or are they one of your favouraite celebrities
Anxiety is the worst stage any person can ever go through. People who go through the anxiety feel alone. The person who is suffering the dilemma feels endless dread, panic, and bother to tends to be extremely isolating. Yet, the only person who has gone through the dilemma can only understand.
In this era, where people are so obsessed with all the technical goods, many people are suffering from Anxiety. As this has been the most common problem worldwide, our celebrities have also gone through it.
Many stars have dealt with some serious anxiety issues. Among all of them, here are the five celebrities who have gone through anxiety throughout their life. Scroll to find out the whole story.
Kylie Jenner

Kylie Jenner who belongs to the royal family of Hollywood, The Kardashians have gone through an Anxiety problem. Well, Kardashians, Jenners, and Anxiety certainly don’t go with the same line together. Yet it is the fact.
The very younger sister of Clan has opened up about the stunning feeling and nervousness, and the pressure that comes connected to her name. As we know, Kylie has grabbed all the attention and eyeballs since her childhood. Her life has always been connected with the paparazzi, public obsession, and reporters at her door.
During one episode of her family’s reality show, Kylie underwent a panic attack on the red carpet. Afterward, she ran from the interview. We hope she gets a little calm and serene back into her life!
Also read Coronation Street star Simon Gregson talks about his anxiety, its treatability, and preventability!
Nicole Kidman

Actress Nicole Kidman also comes to the list of renowned faces. No doubt due to her demanding job she has to undergo many pressures. Meanwhile, due to her onerous job, she has to from anxiety in several ways. If you have experienced anxiety, then you know it may be traumatic.
Her body reacts to sensations of stress or a loss of control with panic attacks. Well, she has to manage the condition a lot when it comes to crowds of fans and the media writing things about her. She should probably put a lot of effort into managing the attacks. Nicole prefers to have adequate space around her to breathe conveniently.
Emma Stone

Emma Stone is also one of those celebrities who has experienced Anxiety. She probably suffered from anxiety since she was a child. And there are many times when she almost lost control. Emma has opened up about suffering anxiety. Once while recalling her first panic attack, she said:
“The first time I had a panic attack I was sitting in my friend’s house, and I thought the house was burning down. I called my mom and she brought me home, and for the next three years it just would not stop. I would go to the nurse at lunch most days and just wring my hands. I would ask my mom to tell me exactly how the day was going to be, then ask again 30 seconds later. I just needed to know that no one was going to die and nothing was going to change.”
In the end, the result developed agoraphobia, finally, she managed her stress and now lives a healthy and peaceful life.
Demi Lovato

Former Disney star Demi Lovato has also struggled with the problem of anxiety. In addition, she has also gone through eating disorders, depression, and substance abuse. Also, she finds the consistent crowds of people circling her to be anxiety-inducing, and who could blame her. Moreover, talking to the Huffington Post in 2015, she said:
“Sometimes, a fan will come up and automatically put their arms around me and I just shut down and start hyperventilating…I really do have anxiety problems. If I get stuck in a crowd, I’ll start to think, ‘Oh my God, I’m going to die. Something’s going to go wrong and someone’s going to stab me.’” Demi turned her life around when she checked into rehab in 2011, and started being honest about what was going on. “I think the more people vocalize what they’re going through—their experience or just simply educating themselves“that’s going to be the key to creating a conversation about mental illness and making it more understood.”
Ellie Goulding

Not only the actress but the singer Ellie Goulding has also been in therapy for panic attacks. She faced problems of anxiety after her career started. She admitted to her anxiety problem, while she was talking with Metro UK, in 2013. She said:
“One day after a shoot I was on a train going to a funeral and my heart was pounding; I thought I was having a heart attack. I was so scared I reached over to this woman and said, ‘I think I’m dying.’ I called a friend to take me to hospital, where they told me it was just a panic attack. From that day, I kept having them. It was the weirdest time of my life. Sick, horrible things would go through my mind but I didn’t want to draw attention to myself…It got to the point when I couldn’t even get into the car and go to the studio.”
The therapy has been working as Ellie has been out and about and killing it!
Sarah Silverman

Well! We don’t feel like comedians go through the anxiety. No Doubt it’s hard to believe yet true. People like the late Robin Williams that the names of the personas put on can usually hide what’s going on. Sarah Silverman has gone through the anxiety problem since she was 13 years old. Sarah opened up about the problem she has gone through, saying:
“People use ‘panic attack’ very casually out here in Los Angeles, but I don’t think most of them really know what it is. Every breath is labored. You are dying. You are going to die. It’s terrifying. And then when the attack is over, the depression is still there.”