Celebs who opened up about having bipolar disorder!
Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that involves shifts in mood that cycle between extreme highs and lows. Common symptoms are eating, during disorder, using drugs, sexual promiscuity, and spending sprees.
These are some celebrities who have been living with bipolar disorder.
1)Demi Lovato
At the age of 19, Demi was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 2011. She entered a treatment program at the insistence of her family. She has spoken openly about her experience in the MTV documentary Stay Strong. Demi also wants to encourage those who are suffering from the same disorder.

2)Russell Brand
The comedian, actor, and activist also struggle with bipolar disorder. Diagnosed with bipolar disorder as a youth, Brand lost jobs with both MTV and the BBC for controversial remarks. He has opened up about how he struggled in his past. However, his bipolar disorder has helped him to shape his career.

3)Sinead O’Connor
The pop star has openly discussed her mental illness. Sinead said she was diagnosed as bipolar at age 37, after a suicide attempt on her 33rd birthday.
She told, “Anything is an improvement when you’ve been in desolation, it doesn’t mean you don’t have lumps and bumps.”

4)Mariah Carey
In 2001, Mariah was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Likewise, she was hospitalized for a mental and physical breakdown. But, she didn’t open up about it until 2018.
But later she revealed that she “didn’t want to believe it.” She said, “But it wasn’t normal insomnia and I wasn’t lying awake counting sheep, I was working and working and working… I was irritable and in constant fear of letting people down. It turns out that I was experiencing a form of mania.”

Also read, Mariah Carey: Her troubled relationships with mother Patricia, and ex-siblings, Morgan and Alison!
5)Babe Rexha
Bebe tweeted in 2019, “I felt lows that made me not want to leave my house or be around people and why I felt highs that wouldn’t let me sleep, wouldn’t let me stop working or creating music. Now I know why,” She also wrote, “I’m bipolar and I’m not ashamed anymore,”

When she was in high school she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Halsey had been franked about her mental health over the years.
She also talks about how bipolar has impacted her artistic process, “When I’m manic, that’s also when I make my best art. It’s when I’m the most compassionate.”

7)David Harbour
The actor revealed his bipolar diagnosis in 2018. David was diagnosed in his 20s after being committed to a psychiatric hospital by his parents.
He tweeted, “The ‘mentally ill’ (this arbitrary societally agreed-upon cattle brand to differentiate ‘us’ from ‘them’ re: pain) are overwhelmingly SUBJECT to violence, not perpetrators, Those I’ve met in asylums are some of the kindest, lost people I’ve known.”

8)Catherine Zeta-Jones
In 2011, she checked herself into a mental health facility to treat her bipolar II disorder. Bipolar II is a type of bipolar disorder that’s marked by longer bouts of depression and less elevated up periods.
Catherine talked about her bipolar so others who are suffering from it might step forward and get treatment. Likewise, She said, “There is no need to suffer silently and there is no shame in seeking help.”