Did You Know That These Celebrities Used To Be Roommates Once Upon A Time?
Most famous folks started as regular people just like us. When they were young and in college, they lived in squalid dorms or apartments with roommates, eating ramen noodles and building their furniture out of empty kegs and pizza boxes. Also, When they were first starting in their careers, lots of celebrities lived together to be able to afford the rent.
So, here are some celebrities you didn’t know who shared space at one time.
1)Holly Hunter and Frances McDormand
Randomly assigned as roommates while studying at the Yale School of Drama, the duo moved to New York after graduation and lived together again. Hunter was called in to audition for two brothers who were making their debut film as writer-director, but she had a previous commitment, so she suggested that McDormand go instead.
Not only did McDormand win the part of the lead in the movie Blood Simple, directed by Joel and Ethan Coen. But she and Joel got married in 1994.

2)Justin Timberlake and Ryan Gosling
When they were just young boys, Timberlake and Gosling appeared on The Mickey Mouse Club together. During their second year on the show, Gosling’s mom had to move back to Canada for a job, and he ended up moving in with the Timberlakes.
Timberlake told Ellen DeGeneres in 2011
“We were probably a little closer than the rest of the kids that were on the show just because we had to share a bathroom,”

3)John Cusack and Jeremy Piven
Both actors are natives of the Chicago area, where Piven’s parents ran (and still run) a professional theater workshop. Cusack joined the program as a child, at which time he met Piven.
The two lived together briefly as struggling young actors before they both made it big in movies. They went on to make ten films together, including Say Anything, Serendipity, and Runaway Jury.

4)Judd Apatow and Adam Sandler
These two funnymen shared an apartment in Los Angeles while they were trying to break into show business as stand-up comedians.
In Apatow’s 2009 film, Funny People, which starred Sandler, the opening sequence featured real-life footage of a much younger Sandler making prank phone calls, shot by Apatow while they lived together.

5)James Corden and Dominic Cooper
On the Late Late Show, Corden and his guest star Dominic Cooper reminisced about living together in a flat in London with barely any furniture.
Cooper said,
“We only had one piece of cutlery, which was a spatula, And I remember a really depressing evening where he caught me—he came home and I was just eating baked beans with the spatula.”

6)Tommy Lee Jones and Al Gore
Paired randomly during their freshman year at Harvard, the pair hit it off so well that they asked to room together for the rest of their time in college.
They remain close friends to this day, and when Gore received the Democratic nomination for the presidency in 2000, it was Jones, not a fellow politician, who gave the nominating speech at the convention.

7)Michelle Williams and Ryan Gosling
Williams and Gosling lived together while filming the movie Blue Valentine as per the director’s request.
The two were only supposed to live together for a week, but they wanted to get into character and ended up staying roommates for a month, living off a nurse’s and painter’s salary.

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