Celebrities who have struggled with phobias in their real life!
A phobia is an irrational fear of something that’s unlikely to cause harm. Phobias typically, result in a rapid onset of fear and are present for more than six months. Plenty of celebrities have also suffered from strange phobias.
So, these are some celebrities who have opened up about their phobias.
1)Afraid of Bathrooms and toilets?
Singer Rita has revealed that she has always had a fear of bathrooms and toilets.
She said,
“I always feel that when I go to the toilet that something’s going to come out of the bottom, I have this thing where I think this tunnel must start from somewhere, and sometimes I think, ‘What if something comes out of the toilet?”

2)Adele feared seagulls!
Adele holds a fear of seagulls after a scary incident in her childhood.
She added,
“I was walking down the promenade in Tenby (in Wales), eating ice cream when this huge seagull came down and swiped it off me, I’ve still got a scar from its claw on my shoulder. I thought it was going to take me away with it.”

3)Afraid of clowns since childhood?
Depp’s fared of clowns as back to childhood, when he would have nightmares of clown faces.
The actor explained,
“There always seemed to be a darkness lurking just under the surface, a potential for real evil I guess I am afraid of them because it’s impossible — thanks to their painted-on smiles — to distinguish if they are happy or if they’re about to bite your face off.”

4)Oprah Winfrey’s strange fear of chewing gum!
Winfrey has a dislike for chewing gum that goes back to her childhood days.
She told,
“I grew up poor in Mississippi and my grandmother — absolutely no hyperbole whatsoever — my grandmother used to try to save gum, so she would put it on the bedpost, she would put it on the cabinet, and I used to bump into it and it would rub up against me, and you know what it’s like when you’ve taken it out of your mouth and it’s been out a couple of weeks? It’s bad. And so I was afraid of it.”

5)Jennifer Aniston is fear of going underwater!
Due to a traumatic experience, Aniston had as a child. She has a real fear of going underwater.
She added,
“I was a kid and I was riding this tricycle around a swimming pool and I drove my tricycle into the swimming pool and I didn’t let go and my brother tried to [help me] So, I can’t go underwater and no one will believe me. I honestly can’t.”

6)Christina Ricci’s unusual fear of indoor plants!
Ricci can’t go near an indoor plant at someone’s house because the “dirty” soil grosses her out.
She once told me,
“They are dirty! If I have to touch one, then it freaks me out. Honestly, I can’t go near them,”

7)Is Kendall Jenner feared for small holes or bumps?
Kendall revealed that she struggles with Trypophobia — an aversion to the sight of irregular patterns or clusters of small holes or bumps.
She said,
“Things that could set me off are pancakes, honeycomb, or lotus heads (the worst!).”

8)Afraid of spoons?
Singer Liam Payne has always feared spoons and specifically, other people’s spoons.
He explained,
“It is a bit weird. When I was a kid I was a bit naughty at school and when you were naughty they made you do the washing up, I had to wash all these nasty spoons, and then it’s just stuck with me after. I don’t know what people are doing with their spoons. I don’t want to know!”

9)Tyra Banks used to have nightmares of dolphins!
Tyra has a longstanding fear of dolphins. She once said that she used to have nightmares about the animals.
She added,
“I am afraid of dolphins … I used to have dreams that I was in a swimming pool and dolphins were, like, bumping into my legs,”

10)Feared from birds?
Actor Scarlett revealed that the one animal she’s most afraid of is birds.
She said,
“I’m only scared of birds, Something about wings and beaks and the flapping. I’m terrified of them. That still hasn’t gone away. My uncle is terrified of birds as well, so it runs in the family.”

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