Confused about which face mask is best for you? Your doubts cleared here!
- During the coronavirus pandemic, various centers and countries have made it mandatory for people to wear protective masks when they venture out for short trips for essentials.
- CDC also recommends everyone wear a face mask, understanding the gravity of the situation.
But there are so many varieties of face masks. So which one to buy and wear? Which one is the best?
Droplets vs aerosol
Scientists are still unveiling the various modes of transmission of the deadly coronavirus. But they do know that the spread is mostly by droplets or aerosol. So what is the difference between the two?
Droplets are large particles of liquids that are produced immediately after an infected person coughs or sneezes. Due to their larger size, their travel distance is less.

And they fall on a surface. This contaminated surface then becomes a source of infection and can sid viral spread
On the other hand, aerosols are tiny particles that can travel long distances easily. They remain afloat for a longer time and can transmit infection directly to another unsuspecting host.
N95 masks how effective is this face mask?
These masks are highly specialized and costly. They are so-called because they keep away 95% of the impurities by static electricity.
Additionally, for them to be effective there should be a snug fit between the mask and the skin of the wearer. There should be minimal leakage at this contact point. They are highly effective and safe in the current pandemic but can be uncomfortable due to the tight fit.
Also read Makeup in the times of coronavirus pandemic! What to do and what not to do?

Besides, N95 masks are mostly reserved for doctors and paramedics who come in close touch with infected patients daily and commonly.
They are not necessary for use by the general public. George Alba is working at Massachusetts General Hospital as a clinician in Pulmonary and critical care medicine.
He states:
“N95s are critical supplies that should be reserved for health care workers and other first responders, otherwise we are putting them at tremendous risk.”
They are disposable but due to the short supply, they are now being reused after sterilization with either UV light or vaporized hydrogen peroxide.
Surgical and cloth masks
About surgical masks, George states:
“The benefit of the surgical mask is that it is fluid-resistant and can protect you against large droplets or splashed bodily fluids. Plus, it doesn’t require fit testing,”

They are not useful during close and frequent contact with patients. Aerosols are also not kept away with it. They are disposable and therefore can become costly in the long run.
As regards cloth masks, George has this to say:
“The chance of being infected via aerosols in public is so low [because of the amount of open space] that a cloth mask is sufficient for preventing that,”

Stay at home, reduce unnecessary travel, keep a safe distance, and do frequent hand washing for 20 seconds with a cloth face mask should be adequate for protection during trips to the grocery stores.
George sums up:
“It is critical to emphasize that the most important thing people in the general public can do is to stay at home if you can, and if you do need to go out, wear a cloth mask and maintain at least six feet of physical distance, and perform frequent hand hygiene. That will dramatically reduce the spread of the virus.”