A matter of trust! 4 countries of the world which did not impose lockdown on its citizens!
- The nationwide lockdown has been imposed by many countries of the world due to the coronavirus pandemic.
- Businesses, offices, schools, and colleges are shut.
- People are confined within the four walls of their houses.
While most countries followed each other and imposed these lockdowns partially or completely, some begged to differ.
These countries did not trouble their citizens and let them continue with their normal routines. However, the government told them to adhere to social distancing wear facial masks, and practice regular hand washing to avoid catching the virus.
The countries that refused to follow the world on lockdown include Sweden, South Korea, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan.
Sweden-no lockdown
This Scandinavian country of Sweden trusted its people to follow the needed measures to curtail the coronavirus spread.
The country has a transparent administration and a majority of the people are with the government and are obedient. It has to Fate recorded 35000 cases and 4.2k deaths with a population of around one crore.

Most of the businesses are open and people are told to go out only when abs necessary. Elderly people have been specifically told to not use public transport and avoid non-essential travel.
The country has pushed the responsibility to stay safe on the people rather than use force for it. Epidemiologist Anders Tegnell dismissed that their unique policy was, to increase herd immunity.
He said:
“The main tactic is not about that (herd-immunity), but that we have a slow spread of infection and that the healthcare system gets a reasonable amount of work.”
South Korea
In the early stages of the disease, South Korea was the worst case. But it has managed to keep the situation under control without a lockdown.
The country relied on aggressive testing, contact tracing, and isolation. And it has, been highly successful since its cases, are less than 12k and deaths around 269 only.

It is a country with zero cases of coronavirus. This country imposed no lockdown. But it disconnected itself from the rest of the world. They suspended all international flights and also got back their citizens from other countries.
There are minimal traffic restrictions within its provinces. Additionally, at checkpoints at strategic places, officers check the temperature of the people crossing these points.
The world has raised doubts about the claims of no cases because it is one of the most secretive countries in Central Asia. Foreign Minister Rashid Meredov denied these accusations on them.
An article in The Diplomat read:
“The Turkmen government is, in a twisted way, taking the coronavirus seriously — just not as a public health threat.”
The country of Tajikistan has majorly imposed no lockdown. It has had 3500 cases with 47 deaths until now. But the disease spread to this Central Asian country later.
Its first 25 cases came only after 30 April 2020. Though no formal lockdown is in place, the country has banned large gatherings. Face mask-wearing is mandatory.