COVID-19 vaccine! Experts fear that Donald Trump might try to force an unproven and unsafe vaccine on the masses before Election Day!
- Most countries of the world currently are headed by power-crazy leaders who will go to any length to remain in power.
- Be it the USA, India, Brazil, or Russia, power is in unsafe hands.
- It has become more obvious after the advent of the coronavirus pandemic.
It is possible that to gain some support from weak-minded citizens of the USA, Donald Trump could put an unsafe and not-so-effective COVID-19 vaccine on the masses before Election Day!
COVID-19 vaccine and the fear of the scientists
The COVID-19 vaccine is still in the experimental stage. The vaccine is still in the clinical trial phase. It has not yet been proven to be completely effective.
Neither has it been clear whether it could be safe for general use in the public. But Donald Trump is hard-bend on pushing it out for mass immunization.
Experts, FDA officials, and even vaccine manufacturers fear that he would try to introduce it to the masses in October before his November Election Day!
The COVID-19 controversy in the USA
In almost every place and in mass media, experts have voiced their concerns on this issue. They do not want to release an unsafe and unproven vaccine to the citizens. But at every place, Donald Trump has expressed his desire to bring in the vaccine swiftly.
He has repeatedly said that he is not happy with the delays in the vaccine development, trials, and approval. But can a non-scientific person release a vaccine that is still experimental?
He might try to overrule all regulatory processes in place and have them his way! But that would be a disaster!
Are the worries of the scientists valid?
Studies with vaccines in the past have shown that some viral vaccines have proved to be fatal and problematic when immunization is begun on a large scale. Hence any vaccine before its release has to be double-checked for safety.
The fear increased after last weekend, Alex Azar, the administration’s secretary of Health and Human Services said that they have the rule-making authority and can force things on the FDA!!!

Donald is known to break norms for his benefit. He may try to influence HHS and this is worrisome. HHS spokesperson Caitlin Oakley did clarify that what Alex has said has no bearing on the vaccine approval process. But still, scientists are concerned.
Experts feel that forcing the release of an unproven vaccine with limited efficacy would further minimize the trust of people in vaccines. There is already a growing group of anti-vaccine people.
This could add to it. Dr. Jerry Avorn, a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School said:
“It seems frighteningly more plausible each day.”
The situation might only get tenser as Election Day approaches!
Read the complete bio of Donald Trump here