Erin Heatherton reveals taking diet pills to meet the beauty standard of Victoria’s Secret Angel!
- Erin Heatherton is the Victoria’s Secret Angel
- She struggled to maintain her figure and had to take diet pills
- Erin shared her story so that nobody will have an eating disorder or hate their bodies
Erin Heatherton has opened up about her struggle with Victoria’s Secret Angel. She felt pressure to meet the beauty standards.
In the new podcast that investigated the controversial history and cultural impact of Fallen Angel. She earned her wings in 2010 before leaving the brand in 2013.

Heatherton struggled to maintain her figure. Erin revealed,
“Where things started to go south for me was when I hit, I think it was 25. There was this certain point where everything that I was doing just didn’t yield the same results. I was just a little bit bigger. In retrospect, that’s just biology and how the body works. You’re not the same size when you’re 18 to when you’re 25.”
The body image pressure pushed her over the edge. She went on beyond dieting and exercising and started taking diet pills called phentermine. It is an amphetamine-like prescription appetite suppressant which was later called bathwater meth by her therapist. She added,
I started injecting myself with HCG. “I was just like, ‘Help me lose weight. What do people do?’ He suggested something this other model did that worked for her. This is this nutritionist to the stars, whatever. I don’t know. I started like a diabetic injecting my stomach every morning,”
While working for the lingerie business, she felt that those people did not care about her and it was just a business for them. Erin shared her story so that nobody will have an eating disorder or hate their bodies. At present, she is in a good state of mind and loves her body. It took her time to get where she is now.

Short bio on Erin Heatherton
Erin Heatherton is an American actress plus a model. She is well known for her appearance in fashion shows, representing the lingerie brand, Victoria’s Secret. Read more bio…