The father of Kristoff St John submits text messages, of additional proof to Kristoff ‘s handwritten Will!
Kristoff St John died this February at the age of 52. People paid their heartfelt tribute to this The Young and the Restless star. And now the estate settlement is in progress.
Kristoff St John and his handwritten will
Kristoff St John had made a will and it was handwritten. After the untimely death of Kristoff St John in February 2019, his father Christopher St John has submitted an application for probate of this will. He said that the Will was made less than two years before Kristoff St John died. In the Will, Kristoff had stated that in the event of my untimely death, all my savings and money should be given to daughters Lola and Paris in the proportion of 75% and 25%.
Additionally, Kristoff had also given a $100,000 check given to Kristoff’s father for Lola. He had said that the money should go to Lola immediately. He wanted his youngest daughter to have her money in portions on her 16th,18th, and 21st birthday. While for the elder daughter, he gave her a lump sum. Furthermore, Kristoff had some debts and Christopher wants to see to it that it does not affect his family. Kristoff had stressed that it is his wish and had named his father as the executor of the will.

Additionally, there was some issue with Kristoff’s dead son’s insurance policy and Christopher has to solve that as well.
Paris and her objection to the will
But Kristoff’s eldest daughter Paris feels that her father died intestate and she has filed her papers to be the administrator of his estate. She added that the Will was kept in a private diary and not meant to be shown to third parties.
Christopher St John files a counter-reply

Christopher this Monday submitted to the court a text message dated 12 August 2017 that Kristoff had sent to his girlfriend at that time, Dana Derrick which read:
“I’ve been up all night. I drafted a hand written [sic] will, just in case. Leaving Lola and Paris my savings. I’ve also left you something. In my nightstand, top drawer in the notebook, I left two checks. I made them out to you. You are to deposit these checks accordingly. Just in case.”
A hearing on the case was scheduled for 22 April 2019 but has been postponed to July.
About the death of Kristoff St John
Kristoff died on the day of the Super Bowl. He was dead in his home and had died of an apparent alcohol overdose. The Coroner’s report released later said that Kristoff had died of hypertrophic cardiac disease but alcohol also contributed.

They labeled his death as a case of an accident. In March, they buried him next to his son who had died five years ago due to suicide.
Short Bio on Kristoff St. John
Kristoff St. John was an American on-screen character, famous for his part as Neil Winters on the daytime US show The Young and the Restless. More Bio…
Source: The Blast