In Memory of her father! Taraji P.Henson is launching a Foundation to fight mental health problems rampant in the African-American community!
- American actress Taraji P. Henson wants to do something for her late father
- She has opened a Foundation to honor him. The Foundation called The Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation
- (BLHF) is named after her late father and it is aimed at eliminating the stigma associated with mental health issues and raising awareness of it in the African-American community
Taraji P. Henson and her new foundation
Taraji P. Henson was extremely close to her father Boris Lawrence Henson who was a janitor and a metal fabricator.
In order to honor him and in his memory, Taraji P. Henson decided to launch a Foundation which is named after her late father and would try to raise awareness and help people with mental health issues, especially in the African-American community.
The Foundation would work in association with other such groups who are doing work on mental health issues. The Foundation would educate people on mental health issues and how to overcome them.
It would offer assistance to the needy people and there would also be services within the prison system. Taraji P. Henson’s late father was a Vietnam War veteran and his life had been full of struggles.
Taraji P. Henson took this great step as a tribute to his tough life. He had died due to liver cancer in 2006 and was 58 years of age at that time.

She issued a statement on the occasion of the launch of the Foundation:
“I named the organization after my father because of his complete and unconditional love for me; his unabashed, unashamed ability to tell the truth, even if it hurt; and his strength to push through his own battles with mental health issues,”
Taraji revealed further:
“My dad fought in the Vietnam War for our country, returned broken, and received little to no physical and emotional support, I stand now in his absence, committed to offering support to African-Americans who face trauma daily, simply because they are Black.”
Taraji’s interview in 2016
Taraji had spoken at length about the difficulties her father had to face on his return from the Vietnam War.
She had said:
“My father, he was homeless. He served in the military, He was a police officer, He battled with his demons just like all humans do, but my father didn’t hide it from me.”

A special fundraiser called ‘Taraji’s Boutique of Hope’ would mark the launch of the Foundation and would be held at the Beverly Hills on 22 September this year.
The goal of this fundraiser would be to raise some funds and get resources to fund and support the mental health programs in urban schools.
Taraji P. Henson’s new movie trailer launch
The new movie “What Men Want,” starring Taraji Henson as sports agent Ali, has been released with a funny and nice trailer. In this film, Henson’s character is striving to succeed in a male-dominated industry.
She suddenly acquires the ability to know what men think. Will Packer and Taraji produced the film, and her role in it is something she has worked her entire career for.

Short Bio on Taraji P. Henson
Taraji Penda Henson is an American Actress and Author. She studied acting at Howard University and began her holy career in guest roles on several television shows before making her breakthrough in Baby Boy (2011). She has played in many television shows and also played in many films. More Bio…