Fran Lebowitz Talks About Trump, Adele In An Interview!! Doesn’t Have Cell Phone Still Knows Everything About Social Activity
- Fran Lebowitz is an American author and public speaker.
- We can also say that she is a person who can not get away though she stays far from social media and cell phones.
People mostly recognize Fran for her sarcastic social analysis of American life as filtered through her New York City judgments.
Though she stays far from the social media connections, she keeps herself updated about what is going on around her. Let’s find out more about Fran Lebowitz here.

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Fran Lebowitz talks about Trump, Adele in an Interview
Back in 2016, Fran gave an interview where she talked about the opening night of Adele’s Madison Square Garden series.
Moreover, she also addressed Martin Scorsese at the New Museum. Furthermore, in the interview, she opened up about many of her personal favorite shows and songs.
As she is an author and also has an extensive library. Besides that, she also gave her opinion about the novel and the novelist. She explained:
“By new novelists you probably mean people right out of writing school, which didn’t use to exist. I mean, it’s not that I’m against the idea of new novelists. I’m always asking people if they’ve read anything new that is really good. They very rarely say yes, and when they do, they’re often wrong. My idea of a new novelist is someone who’s still alive.”
Moreover, she also revealed the name of the novelist whose books she really loves to read. She said she reads the novel by Darryl Pinckney.
Furthermore, she explained:
“I read Darryl Pinckney’s novel, Black Deutschland. I’m sure he’s not your idea of young, but he’s younger than me. That might be the most recent novel I read by someone who’s alive.”
During the interview, Fran also mentioned that she does not use much technology including iPod, cell phone, or computer.
Though she remains far from the social media, she always keeps herself updated about what is going on recently. Fran mentioned that she went to Adele’s live concert as she wanted to see Adele.
While she did not forget to mention that Adele was very good.
As she is updated about almost everything about the outside world, she also gave her views on Trump being a president before the election.
She shared her views:
“I absolutely do not think there is a chance that Donald Trump will be the president. I’m the only person I know who thinks that, including people that I know are far more informed because they’re journalists. Everyone I know is very worried about it. I am very worried, but not about that, and no one would accuse me of being a cockeyed optimist. And I know there are a lot of morons in this country, I just don’t think there are enough.”
Well, she must be only or among the very few people who stay far from the technology and social media yet manages to keep updated. No doubt Fran Lebowitz is an amazing soul and a very talented author.
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Short bio on Fran Lebowitz
Fran Lebowitz is a famous author and public speaker from America. She is best known for her books such as Metropolitan Life and The Fran Lebowitz Reader. Furthermore, she has also appeared in a couple of movies such as The Wolf of Wall Street, Beautiful Darling, and Mapplethorpe: Look at the Pictures. More Bio…