Greenpeace activists block the gates to the office of the oil company BP in Central London!
First, it was horrible for the general public and the government when the climate change activists took to the roads of Central London to protest against the government’s inertia in this matter.
The police has to arrest and drag those activists out of the commercial areas of London where they were affecting the productivity of the nation and leading to discomfort for the public at large.
Now, these activists have blockaded the oil company BP’s headquarters in London. Catch all the details here.
Climate activists vs BP oil company
It was indeed a sight to see! Climate activists inside five large containers had blocked the entrance of the HQ office of BP in Central London.

Can one go to this extent? The Greenpeace activists had employed cranes to transport the heavy boxes and place them just outside BP’s London office in St. James’ Square in the early morning hours today. They climbed into the boxes so that the police would not move them.
The boxes are custom-made so that they exactly block the various entrances of the building but do not obstruct the fire exits. Inside each box are two activists. Most of them are seen sitting on top of the box.
Also, read Food climate footprint impact! Which food items cause the most damage and global warming?
The other campaigners did their bit by climbing down ropes and blocking the office windows. They also put up display banners to stress their demands. Greenpeace has said that the people inside the container have enough food and water to last for several days. And what about Nature’s call? Don’t know!
Greenpeace and their say
Greenpeace aims to keep the BP headquarters closed for the whole of this AGM week. On Tuesday 21 May 2019, the company’s annual general meeting would commence in Aberdeen.

The green association feels that by this act they can convince BP to stop exploring oil and gas. They want them to invest in renewable energy for the betterment of all and the future.
Morton Thaysen is one of the campaigners and he told BBC:
“We are planning a long-term occupation of BP’s headquarters.”
The police are on standby at the agitation site. But no arrests have been made so far.
Greenpeace agitation and Extinction Rebellion demonstration
The Extinction Rebellion demonstrations had managed to close all the main arterial roads and had brought the traffic in that part of London to a standstill.
People and their activities were affected. Trading and businesses were hit. But now, the protest is rather a peaceful and quiet one tugged away off the main road into a side street. This has not affected businesses, shoppers, and tourists.
But this time the target is only BP. The staff of BP cannot enter the office premises and are told to work from home.

BP releases a statement
BP has released a statement that reads:
“We welcome discussion, debate, even peaceful protest on the important matter of how we must all work together to address the climate challenge, but impeding safe entry and exit from an office building in this way is dangerous and clearly a matter for the police to resolve as swiftly as possible.”
Source: BBC UK, the Guardian