Infidelity: 12 reasons for cheating by a female partner in a relationship!
Infidelity in a relationship was common in men. But now, the gender gap is decreasing especially amongst the young population. The Kinsey Institute at Indiana University studied adultery in people with an average age of 31 years. They found no difference in the percentage in both genders. Why do women cheat? Hear the 12 reasons from the experts.
Women and infidelity
In the bygone days, women in a relationship used to cheat less. But this percentage has steadily risen. Hence, the gender gap in cheating in a relationship has narrowed considerably. There has been an uptick in the number of women who decide to cheat their male partner in a relationship. What the reasons for it?

Some experts believe that women are getting increased responsibilities. Their needs and wants have risen over time. Feminism is increasing and women are more empowered and have financial freedom. Hence they have their choice to seek sexual gratification if it is not met in a relationship. Sex therapist and marriage counselor Angela Skurtu opines:
“The gap shifted when women went to work and had their own money and choices; with choice comes easier dissatisfaction,”
She elaborates:
“We also expect a lot more out of marriage now. Before, marriage was a vehicle to raise your family and be taken care of financially. Now, we expect happiness, good sex, best friends, and more out of it. We have put a lot of pressure on marriage when it wasn’t originally designed to meet all your needs.”
1. Dissatisfaction in a relationship
This is a common cause for adultery by a female partner. She looks for love outside and when it comes her way, she starts cheating. It continues since her partner anyway does not bother about her. This also becomes a point of justification for her cheating.
2. Low self-esteem
When a woman finds no attention in a relationship, she gets low self-esteem. When some outsider provides her with the attention, it leads to a bond and an extramarital affair.

3. Emotional starvation
Women who cheat usually desire an emotional factor. They rarely go for it for the sake of sex, unlike men. But often, this emotional attachment with an outside man turns physical and sexual.
4. Retaliation
Some women cheat in retaliation when her man cheated her in the past or in order to anger him…. something like Tit for Tat.
5. For excitement
Some women like thrills which they may not find in their marriage. And they may stray outside for the excitement that comes with it. It is to overcome boredom. Angela explains:
“I think as a society we don’t honestly address how boring work and family life can be at times,”
Their husband is good and she loves him, yet she finds him boring.
6. Sexual deprivation
The frequency and quality of sex decreases with time in a relationship. The spark is gone and women tend to cheat to get that spark of sexual life.
7. Loneliness
This happens when the man is working for long hours and is away from home. Loneliness, isolation and disengagement are the perfect ingredients for start of an affair.

8. Insecure attachment
Early life could make one to be secure or insecure in latter life. The insecure attachment type people tend to not make long-term relationships and have a high cheating behavior. Angela adds:
“There’s always a sense of ‘what’s on the other side’ and never fully being happy or secure in oneself,”
9. Midlife crisis
A person with midlife crisis might wonder what she is doing with her life. She might start behaving out of character and start an affair. Angela states:
“People think, ‘I only have so much time left. What am I doing with my life?'”
10. Depression
A depressed woman is more likely to cheat to excite her life.
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11. Accidental or opportunity based
Sometimes opportunity opens a new door and the woman falls for it. This affair is not premeditated but just happens. Angela reasons:
“They feel down and another person in a similar boat crosses their path. They start commiserating and then it moves on from there,”
12. Numbing hard times
To overcome hard days, many women resort to affairs or drugs and alcohol. Angela says:
“An affair is an escape from reality,”