What Is Intermittent Fasting? 5 Easy Ways To Start This Fasting For The Beginners To Lose Weight!
- In this era of busy life, it can be a little hard to take out time for exercise and diets
- For people who want to opt for a healthy life and do not have time to go to the gym, Intermittent fasting is the perfect solution
This fast is not only for losing weight but also to control your blood sugar level, increase metabolism, and many more. This is becoming one of the most popular fitness trends nowadays among people.
What is Intermittent Fasting?
Before opting for this fast, it is necessary to know what is fast and what are the benefits you can get from it. Intermittent Fasting is also called intermittent energy restriction to make the gap between the mealtime.
This fasting is somehow similar to a calorie restriction diet. This fast is the process where skipping meals or restricting when you eat for a limited period of time.

Meanwhile, it is not only for losing weight but also to lower your blood pressure, cholesterol, and resting heart rate. You can schedule time as per your time and restrict eating for a certain period of time.
There are many time periods you can restrict and start eating. You can for 14 hours of fasting and 10 hours of eating period, 16 hours fast and 8 hours of feeding time, 18 hours of fasting and 6 hours of eating period. It is not as easy as it seems in the beginning, so here are the tips to start this fasting for beginners.
Celebs who followed this fasting
This fasting is also popular among Hollywood celebrities. The celebs who got the success from this fasting are Hannah Jeter, Jennifer Aniston, Brielle Biermann, Evan Ross, Lance Bass, Chris Pratt, Kate Walsh, Halle Berry, Moby, Kourtney Kardashian, Molly Sims, Jenna Jameson, Krystal Nielson, Tia Booth, Jimmy Kimmel, Brooke Burke, Hugh Jackman, Bobbi Brown, Justin Theroux.
1. The 16-8 method every day

In this method, you can fast for 14-16 hours every day. You can customize the time as you want and eat only for a certain period of time.
In this method, you can eat only between 8-10 hours of feeding time and fast for the remaining 14-16 hours. This method is also known as the Leangains protocol and it started getting popular from fitness expert Martin Berkhan.
In this method, you can skip breakfast and not snack after dinner. This can be hard for those who have the habit of eating breakfast and snacks or having dessert after dinner.
Meanwhile, this fast becomes easier with time and eventually becomes a habit.
2. Two days fast on a week

This is another method of Intermittent Fasting. In this method, you can eat 5 days normally you eat on a usual day and fast for 2 days alternatively.
This method is also known as the diet fast and became popular with the British journalist Michael Mosley. However, in this method, you have to eat the recommended calories.
Women can eat 500 calories and men can eat 600 calories on the feeding day. You can fast on the alternate days you eat and fast as per your comfort.
3. Alternative fasting(Not for beginners)

Alternative fasting or fasting every other day is also a category in this process. In this method, you can customize how you want to fast and how you want to eat.
You can also allow yourself to intake a little number of calories on the fasting day too. As fasting every other day is somehow extreme, it is not recommended for beginners.
This may not be in the long run as you have to starve yourself to bed for several nights in a week.
4. Warrior fast of Intermittent Fasting

This method is quite different than the above-mentioned methods of fasting. In this method, you fast in the daytime and eat a heavy meal at night.
However, it doesn’t mean you have to starve the entire day before having the meal. You can have fruits or vegetables in the day and have one huge meal. This method started getting popular with fitness expert Ori Hofmekler.
5. Meal skipping

There is no specific period of time when you should eat or skip the meal. In this method, you can customize the time you want to skip the meal or eat the meal as per your own comfort.
You can skip a meal from time to time whenever it is possible for you. Some day you can skip breakfast and have lunch and dinner. Meanwhile someday you can skip dinner and have breakfast and lunch and vice versa.
Source: Health Line, Click On Detroit, James Clear