More About International Mother’s Day; It’s Facts, Significance and History!
- Mother’s Day is one of the most important holidays celebrated across the world.
- Interestingly, Mother’s Day doesn’t always fall on the same date every year.
What is International Mother’s Day?
International Mother’s Day is a special day dedicated to all mothers for the sacrifices they make for their children. However, it is observed on different dates and on different forms throughout the world.
This year, in the United States, Mother’s Day fell on Sunday, May 14.
Since it is one of the most important dates on our calendars, research shows that more calls are made on Mother’s Day than on any other day of the year.
Approximately, 122 million calls are made on that special day every year.
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Mother’s Day history
While the celebrations of Mother’s Day traces back to the ancient Romans and Greek, the American version of this special day started with peacemakers Ann Jarvis in 1868. It then became an official U.S. holiday in 1914 with the hard work of her daughter, Anna in 1908.
Ancient Greeks and Romans held festivals in honor of the mother goddesses Rhea and Cybele.

In the UK and many parts of Europe, this day initially was seen when the faithful would return to the main church known as the mother church.
In present times, Mother’s Day is more about children presenting their mothers with flowers or gifts.
Some fun facts about Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day is one of the busiest days for eateries
In a survey conducted by the National Restaurant Association, 48% of people make plans to go to restaurants with their mothers on this day.
Last year, over $31 billion was spent on Mother’s Day
National Retail Federation states that on average, buyers spend $245 on gifts for their moms.

The most popular Mother’s Day gift is greeting cards
Every year on Mother’s Day, approximately 152 million Mother’s Day cards are sent to their mothers, making it the most popular gift.
Mother’s Day is celebrated on different days across the world
While the holiday is famous in every country of the world, there are different dates for the big day in different countries.
Famous Mother’s Day quotes
Here are some well-known Mother’s Day quotes:
“Mother and daughter never truly part, maybe in distance but never in heart.”
”Life doesn’t come with a manual. It comes with a mother.”
“When life gets hard and you feel all alone, remember you mean the world to somebody, and that somebody calls you mom.”
”The bond between a mother and her child lasts a lifetime.”
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