Jackpot! The buyer of a storage unit finds $ 7.5 million in it!
- Can you believe it?
- This is a real jackpot!
- A man who purchased a closed storage unit in Storage Wars from the show member Dan Dotson and his wife Laura for $ 500 has revealed that he found 7.5 million dollars in cash inside!!
The buyer’s multi-million jackpot
A bidder who ultimately purchased a storage unit on the show Storage Wars had said that he found a safe inside the unit. The safe was locked and it took him a while to crack the code and open the safe.
But Lo and behold! He was stunned by what he found inside. It was hard cash and it was all worth 7.5 million dollars. It was a multi-fold return on his investment.
Dan said to New York Post about the woman who told him about this incident:
“She walked up and told me her husband works with a guy who bought a unit from me for $US500 and found a safe inside,”

The original owners of the storage unit and their subsequent act
Word reached out like fire about this man’s jackpot money. It also reached the original owners of the storage unit.
They realized that they have lost more than $ 7 million due to their folly and carelessness. They immediately got hold of their lawyer and asked him to reach out to the buyer at the earliest.
This unit sells for 500 bucks, buyer finds 7.5 million cash, attorney reaches out on behalf of the previous owner & nicely offers 1.2 million dollars back in return for all money back.
What would you do?
New #StorageWars @aetv
Nov 7th 10/9c @storageauctnet @paytheladylaura pic.twitter.com/8UXJ1xvXkz— Dan Dotson on A&E (@auctionguydan) November 5, 2018
Dan tweeted:
“This unit sells for 500 bucks, buyer finds 7.5 million cash, attorney reaches out on behalf of the previous owner & nicely offers 1.2 million dollars back in return for all money back.”
So now the old owners want to have all the money back in exchange for giving the new owners $ 1.2 million. The initial offer was $ 600k which the new owners refused.
The two parties involved have now agreed to on $ 1.2 million and it is not a bad deal for the second owner since he had only paid $ 500 for the unit and is still getting $ 1.2 million for the return of the lost loot.
Dan’s co-star who is Bargain Hunters Thrift Store owner Rene Nezhoda said that the money could possibly be belonging to a drug cartel or a mafia. He told The Blast:
“If you find money like that, there’s probably a reason it isn’t in the bank,”

What would you do in this situation?
There are a whole lot of ways people would react to this discovery and the jackpot money. Some would just keep quiet over the fact that they have found so much cash inside the storage unit and urine all the money for their personal gain.
Some would behave and act like this buyer did and return the money while keeping the reward. There would be some who would not disagree with returning the money and the matter would be in the court of law which would then be decided by the Judge and the law of the land.

Dan feels that he would return the money and it all depends on who is the person who has lost the money.
Source: TMZ, news. com.au