Why is January considered the ‘divorce month’?
January is called the divorce month and 6 January is the divorce day. One cannot say that it is celebrated as a divorce day since divorces are not celebrations. Studies have revealed that divorce filings peak in January. What is the reason for this? Let us find out.
January – the month of maximum divorce filings
The University of Washington had carried out a study and found that January month had the maximum number of cases of divorce registrations. They studied the cases of divorce filed between the years 2001 to 2015.
The attorneys and tax professionals advise couples to wait until the new year comes to file for divorce. This has a reason since by doing so, they can take benefits of tax breaks or dodge new legislation. Hence January sees the maximum number of divorce case filings. Hence in legal circles, it is unofficially dubbed the divorce month.
Besides, New Year is a fresh start and people want to do away with unhealthy relationships and dead-end and boring marriages in which they are unfortunately caught. Additionally, by culture summer and winter both are important times for families with kids. Hence they do not want to file for divorce at that time.

Also, couples look forward to trying to work out their relationship during holiday time. They patch up in December to see whether their relationship works or breaks. If it breaks, then there is a divorce in January coming. The Washington University study states:
“the consistent pattern in filings, the researchers believe, reflects the disillusionment unhappy spouses feel when the holidays don’t live up to expectations.”
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What about the other states of the USA?
Similar to Washington DC, the number of cases of divorce filed in the states of Ohio, Arizona, Florida, and Minnesota peaked in January every year. Thus, there were more divorces after the holiday season. Google trends also revealed that divorce topics discussion and searches were more in the week 6 January to 12 January every year.

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But though the start of the divorce process usually begins in January, the fact is that couples start doing their search for legal sources on the Internet and otherwise during December and holidays when most of the lawyers are in fact on leave.
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Pinterest and their searches
On the website of Pinterest, data showed that the search for ‘divorce party’ rose dramatically from December to January 2019. This rise was 21% and a significant one. Also, attorneys confirm this since the last two weeks are the busiest for them. They are busy getting the divorce papers of their clients to do filings in January.

Source: businessinsider.com