Jealousy and unhealthy competition: Ways to overcome it for the good of all and society!
- Be it celebrities, large businessman ventures, or even the general public, competition is present everywhere.
- But while competition is normal, jealousy is not.
- There is a fine line of separation between the two.
While competition is good as long it is healthy, jealousy never is healthy. One needs to learn to overcome unhealthy competition if he or she has to succeed in life.
Competition and jealousy
The Harvard Business Review has spoken about competition in business and real life. Humans like to measure themselves against those around them.
This competitive spirit is good and productive if taken the right way, but it could be destructive if not channeled in the right direction.
One has to avoid getting the green monster of jealousy in the heart lest it destroys the whole fun of living and working.
Individuality and time
Every person has his or her own capacity to work. One can train and increase their capacities to the maximum potential but every person has his or her own limitations. Trying to exceed it might prove not fruitful and one has to learn to accept and live with it.
Besides, it is of no use feeling jealous of someone who has obtained things that you are in the process of obtaining now. It is a matter of time and instead of getting jealous over the other person’s gains, it is best to concentrate and enhance one’s effort at work to reap more benefits and profits.
Such feelings can also harm your mental thinking process and health. Hence, it is best avoided. These feelings are sometimes more when a female in this world achieves success more than a man.
What should be avoided?
People tend to get jealous and not overcome it in the right way. Instead of learning the right approaches from the person who is successful, one tends to try ways to bring some problems in the business and the life of that individual.
Both these attempts are wrong and are to be avoided. They yield no benefits and will in fact harm the jealous person and reduce his or her chances of gaining success. Many successful entrepreneurs say that as their success grew, their friends reduced.
A successful CEO once said:
“Each time I’ve progressed in my life, I’ve found myself having to disconnect from the very friends that I considered to be the closest to me.”
Take inspiration from the success of another person and imbibe it in your life rather than hating and trying to give a bad name to the successful person.
Source: Forbes