Josh Duggar’s sexual misconducts, his sisters’ pain and the legal case: Click on for more!
The legal action of the Duggar sisters
Jill Dillard, Jessa Seewald, Jinger Vuolo, and Joy-Anna Duggar of ’19 Kids and Counting fame have sued ‘In Touch Weekly’ for publishing details of their child molestation reports which had taken place in 2002-2003.
It was by their brother Josh Duggar. They have also been collaborating with the police and authorities of Washington County, Arkansas, as well as the city of Springdale, Arkansas, to close this case.
According to reports, the request for public records led to the release of the investigative records. The sisters have stated that by doing so, the concerned authorities have committed a breach of the State and Federal privacy laws that govern them.
The sisters claim that they were promised that the information in the reports would be kept confidential and released only to law enforcement agencies or to the child service officers if need be.
In Touch Weekly released the aforementioned report in May 2015. It stated that the patriarch of the Duggar family, Jim Bob Duggar had spoken to the Arkansas State Police about his son who had molested five underage girls when he was a teenager.
He had also mentioned that four of the girls were his sisters. The molestation involved touching the breasts and genital regions of the girls on several occasions when they were asleep.
The incident came to light when Josh Duggar himself confessed to his crime. Under the Freedom of Information Act, we obtained the report from the records.
The magazine also wrote that Josh Duggar had confessed in front of Jim Hutchens, an Arkansas State Trooper, about his misdeed. He received a ‘stern’ talk and warning from Jim Hutchens on it. The report led to the cancellation of the running reality TV show ’19 Kids and Counting’.
Earlier in 2006, Josh Duggar’s past sexual misconduct news had resurfaced just before the Duggar family was due to appear on the ‘The Winfrey Oprah’s Show.
Since no new incidents have taken place in this matter, the Springdale Police Department had to relaunch an investigation. It is not clear why the sisters took two years to come forward and make the case against the involved parties.

The sisters’ 2015 statements
The disclosure of private life details to the public caused great hurt to the family. During a Fox News Channel interview at the time, Jill and Jessa discussed their elder brother’s history of sexual abuse.
They called the acts of their brother during his teen years ‘very wrong’. However, they felt that the days after the illegal release of the report were worse than the incident.
Jessa said:
“I do want to speak up in his defense against people who are calling him a child molester or a pedophile or a rapist, as some people are saying, that is so overboard and a lie really…I mean, people get mad at me for saying that, but I can say this because I was one of the victims. The system was set up to protect kids…it’s greatly failed.”
Jill had called the whole process a ‘revictimization’.

And the acts of misconduct by Josh Duggar continue….
Josh is the eldest of the 20 children of the Duggar couple. He is 29 years old, married to Anna Keller since 2008, and has four children. The couple is expecting their fifth child by this year-end.
Josh Duggar was sent for counseling in 2003 after his confession. Overtly it seemed that he had improved. But in 2015 when the Ashley Madison data breach was posted online, Josh Duggar’s credit card transaction details were also revealed.
It was seen that Josh Duggar’s credit card was used to make a payment of $986.76 for two ‘Ashley Madison subscriptions from February 2013, which were canceled in May 2015.
Josh Duggar wrote on their family website the following:
“I have been the biggest hypocrite ever. While espousing faith and family values, I have secretly over the last several years been viewing pornography on the Internet and this became a secret addiction and I became unfaithful to my wife” … “the last few years, while publicly stating I was fighting against immorality in our country I was hiding my own personal failures”
He took some rehabilitation programs after this incident. But all the therapy uses seemed to have faded away in a few months’ time.
In November 2015, adult pornographic actress Danica Dillon accused Josh Duggar of having assaulted her physically and emotionally during consensual sex at a Philadelphia strip club in early 2015.
She demanded $500000 as damages. However, later she said that she had lied and taken back her case. The 10 worst-dressed list features Josh Duggar’s name.
He was also poked fun at on the comedy website ‘Funny or Die’. Josh Duggar like his parents believes that children are God-given and they should not stop reproduction by any artificial means. Both Josh and Anna Duggar are ready to have as many children as God gives them and are also contemplating adopting some children.

Short bio on Josh Duggar
Josh Duggar is an American TV character, political extremist, and previously utilized auto salesman. He is popular for his appearances on the unscripted TV demonstration 19 Kids and Counting which concentrates on the life of the Duggar family. More bio…