Kellyanne Conway: personal life problem stories and controversies!
Kellyanne Conway is an American political consultant and a former senior counselor of the controversial former President of the USA, Donald Trump. There are some unknown and interesting facts related to her personal life.
Kellyanne Conway: the victim of sexual assault
Kellyanne Conway revealed on CNN in September 2018 that she is a victim of sexual assault. She was giving an interview on State of the Union. The show anchor Jake Tapper and Kellyanne were talking about the implications of the sexual assault allegations against Brett M. Kavanaugh. And Kellyanne said:
“I feel very empathetic, frankly, for victims of sexual assault, sexual harassment and rape,”
After that, she paused, cleared her throat and revealed:
“I’m a victim of sexual assault,”

Jake expressed sorry on learning about it. Kellyanne went on to say:
“I don’t expect Judge Kavanaugh or Jake Tapper or [Arizona Republican Senator] Jeff Flake or anybody to be held responsible for that,”
“You have to be responsible for your own conduct.”
She felt that victims of sexual assaults are heard through partisan avenues and not through proper criminal justice systems. She continued:
“We do treat people differently who are either the victims or perpetrators of this based on their politics now or based on their gender now. That is a huge mistake,”
“America, it’s a huge mistake.”
Yet, she defended her loyalty to Donald Trump who had several sexual assault allegations against him.
Kellyanne’s husband and divorce
Kellyanne married George Conway who was working for the law firm, Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz. But George is a strong critic of Donald Trump. In 2019, he said that Donald’s mental health is downhill. An upset and angry Donald tweeted:
“George Conway, often referred to as Mr. Kellyanne Conway by those who know him, is VERY jealous of his wife’s success & angry that I, with her help, didn’t give him the job he so desperately wanted,”
“I barely know him but just take a look, a stone cold LOSER & husband from hell!”
He added:
“Kellyanne is a wonderful woman. He’s doing a tremendous disservice to a wife and family.”

George commented:
“You seem determined to prove my point. Good for you!”
Donald tweeted back:
“You. Are. Nuts.”
But later, Kellyanne sided Donald’s outburst saying to Politico:
“You think he shouldn’t respond when somebody, a nonmedical professional accuses him of having a mental disorder?”
“You think he should just take that sitting down?”
Kellyanne and George put in their divorce papers this March.
Kellyanne as a mother
The couple has four kids together. They are Claudia and George IV (twins), Charlotte, and Vanessa. Claudia is a TikTok influencer who, like her father, is against Donald Trump. In 2020, at the age of 15, she gained prominence due to her anti-Donald Trump messages.
In January 2021, Claudia alleged that her mother has abused her physically, mentally, and emotionally. She uploaded videos of her mother, Kellyanne screaming at her. In one of these videos, Kellyanne was seen hitting her.
In retaliation, Kellyanne posted on her Twitter handle, a pic of a topless girl who was her daughter, Claudia. It came to police attention who began an investigation into it. Claudia first accused her mother of child porn and said in a video on her social media:
“Kellyanne, you’re going to f*****g jail,”

But the next day, Claudia deleted the video, said sorry, and added that it was probably the work of hackers. She said:
“I know that my mom would never, ever post anything to hurt me like that intentionally and I do believe she was hacked,”
“I want to apologise for making all of this public.”
Short bio on Kellyanne Conway
Kellyanne Conway is an American political analyst and supporter of Donald Trump. More bio….