The late Queen Elizabeth II had bone cancer, says Boris Johnson!
Queen Elizabeth II died in 2022. And now more than two years after the death of the monarch, the former Prime Minister of the UK, Boris Johnson claims that she had bone cancer before her death. Boris has put down this claim in his new memoir Unleased.
Boris Johnson claims that Queen Elizabeth II had bone cancer
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II died on 8 September 2022. The cause of her death in the death certificate was put as old age. She was 96 years old when she died. There were no health issues reported prior to her death during her final days.
However, now, the former Prime Minster of the UK, Boris Johnson, 60 has stated that the Queen had bone cancer before she died.

He has made this claim in his newly-penned memoir called Unleashed. Boris had stepped down as the Prime Minster on 6 September 2022; just a couple of days before the Queen’s demise. Boris writes:
“For more than a year that she had a form of bone cancer and her doctors were worried that at any time she could enter a sharp decline.”
Boris Johnson talks about the Queen’s final days
Boris had met the Queen before she died. He found that she was physically very frail though she continued to be strong on the mental front. Talking about his last meeting with her, Boris writes in his memoir:
“She seemed pale and more stooped, and she had dark bruising on her hands and her wrists,”

He adds:
“But her mind … was completely unimpaired.”
“She still flashed that great white smile in its sudden mood-lifting beauty.”
When queried about the claim of Boris Johnson about the Queen in his book, Buckingham Palace sources refused to comment on it. The royal authorities never comment on any book or article claims. That has been the rule since a long time there.
Why the Queen chose Scotland for her death?
The Queen had shifted to the Balmoral Castle in Scotland during her final days on this Earth. She died a peaceful death there surrounded by her loved ones. As regards to why she chose Scotland to die rather than England, King Charles III had revealed the reason for it recently. He stated that the choice was hers and it was a deliberate one.

On 30 September during the speech while opening the Scottish Parliament, Charles had revealed:
“Speaking from a personal perspective, Scotland has always had a uniquely special place in the hearts of my family and myself,”
He added:
“My late mother especially treasured the time spent at Balmoral, and it was there, in the most beloved of places, where she chose to spend her final days.”
Early this year, King Charles was diagnosed with cancer, Also, his daughter-in-law and wife of Prince William, Kate Middleton had the diagnosis of cancer on her. She has undergone preventive chemotherapy for it. Kate had said:
“Although I have finished chemotherapy, my path to healing and full recovery is long and I must continue to take each day as it comes.”
Short bio on Queen Elizabeth II
The late Queen Elizabeth II was the reigning Queen of England. More bio…