LGBT+ community at a grave risk during the coronavirus pandemic, a famous charity for LGBT states!
- The LGBT+ community has always been facing danger in this world for one reason or the other.
- It has been exposed to homophobic and transphobic abuse and comments.
- However, the current coronavirus lockdown has led to more trouble.
- Because now the escape routes for these poor gay people are shut.
Therefore, they are forced to lock themselves up in their rooms or go homeless. LGBT+ parents are targeted and even LGBT+ kids are left to die on the streets.
The LGBT+ community and the rise in problems
The LGBT+ community has always been at risk. But their problems have escalated due to the coronavirus pandemic and associated lockdown.
The LGBT Foundation is dealing with an increased number of cases of abuse in this community. They are trying to handle these cases and support them.

The charity has stated that there has been a doubling in the number of calls to their crisis helpline phone number since 23 March 2020. The lockdown has enhanced the cases due to a lack of space, understanding, and support.
Funding problems for LGBT-specific refuge services
LGBT-specific refuge services firm only one percent of the support services in the UK. Due to funding cuts, these two have lessened.
Currently, there are only two such refuge services for this disadvantaged community. Both are located in London.
Paul Martin, chief executive of the LGBT Foundation said:
“There is a very real danger that LGBT+ victims may slip through the net and be left without support, trapped in a situation that is very dangerous to them,”

Charity Galop reports that LGBT+ domestic violence victims are referred not to the refuge houses. Instead, they are sent to the local authority and put on a housing list.
This takes time and therefore the abused gay people return to their abusive houses and continue to face domestic violence at the hands of the perpetrators.
Heightened risk for the gay community
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, gay people are at increased risk. Rhys Dower, domestic abuse coordinator states:
“… LGBT+ people experiencing domestic abuse fall through the cracks due to a lack of LGBT-inclusive support services.”
Some of the abused gay people lock themselves in the confines of their rooms and do not move out. Rachel Ellis from the LGBT Foundation says:
“They’re trapped in the house, cooped up, and haven’t got anyone to let their frustrations out on except their parents,”

This could lead to the precipitation of mental issues in them. Additionally, some prefer to sleep outside in a bus shelter, or a car, or on the street.
Many are returning to sex work. This is survival sex just to be away from their house temporarily and also for some money. They hook up with people online and provide sex to them in exchange for allowing them to stay for the night.
They are thus violating the social distancing norms. Some try to escape the hatred by going back into their closet or trying to downplay their sexuality.
Also, read Phyllis Lyon, an LGBT rights activist who dies at the age of 95!
Source: Buzz Feed, Pink News UK