Medicinal Chef Dale Pinnock shares his thoughts on healthy eating and would be having a slot at Belfast Book Festival, Northern Ireland!
- Dale Pinnock is considered the medicinal chef and is a sought-after speaker for events and conferences.
- He conducts health seminars, corporate annual conferences, personal development courses, and all on healthy living.
- His way of lecturing is detailed and humorous and hence engaging.
His presence at the Belfast Book Festival
Dale Pinnock is a great orator and talks about a healthy lifestyle and eating. He will be in Northern Ireland this week to tackle the subject of healthy eating. Dale is also looking forward to his first visit to Northern Ireland.
He said:
“I’ve been passionate about this for 25 years, I can’t actually believe this will be my first time in Northern Ireland. I’ve a lot of catching up to do.”

Dale will be at the Belfast Book Festival which is been held at the Hillmount Garden Center in Castlereagh on 7 June 2018.
Dale helps families to eat healthier, shop smarter, and keep fit. For him, it all started with his own health issues during his growing years.
Dale and his childhood days
Dale had a lot of health problems when he was small and young. Recalling those days, Dale said:
“This all started with my own health issues,”
He continued:
“I suffered terribly from acne in my teens. I was plastering myself with lotions as a 15-year-old and not really getting anywhere. I was desperately self conscious and it was only when I was handed a book called ‘Fit For Life’, which many now look back on as a bible for healthy eating in the 90s, that a light bulb was switched on.”

Dale further added:
“I read it out of desperation. It wasn’t particularly cool or fashionable to be in to healthy eating back then, but I was willing to try anything.”
He learned that he needs to sort himself from within and get involved in his own health care. He then took the reign of his own health into his hands and has not repented ever since.
Talking about its effect, Dale said:
“It had such an effect on me and my life in general that I decided to study human nutrition and herbal medicine through university and, 25 years later, here I am, trying to light that spark in the rest of the country,”

Dale said further:
“But I don’t want to be seen as the ‘food police’. I’m not the sort of person to ram healthy eating down other people’s throats. I’m here to give information, to give people choices, to let them know there are a lot of very simple things they can do towards getting a healthier lifestyle and a healthier bank balance. Making simple lifestyle changes can benefit so many aspects of our lives. It can help cardio vascular conditions, diabetes, anxiety and depression. A healthier diet can be very much part of an overall treatment – but please don’t think of me as a dietician.”
Dale, however, does not advocate dieting stating that they are a quick fix but the effect does not last once you stop dieting.
He added that fashionable diets and food fads occur off and on but they do not last. It is important to incorporate the whole healthy lifestyle and this would be lasting and beneficial.
His say is:
“Why put yourself through torment when you can do it the easy way?”