Meet the ‘Austrian Oak’ Arnold Schwarzenegger and catch the latest on his career and details about his past accidents and broken bones!
Arnold Schwarzenegger’s reprisal of his classic roles
Arnold Schwarzenegger has done several wonderful and successful films. The bodybuilder has done some magnificent characters such as those in ‘The Terminator’ (1984) and its sequels, ‘Twins’ (1988), ‘Red Heat’ (1988), and in Conan franchise. In an interview given to Austrian ‘Kleine Zeitung ’, Arnold Schwarzenegger talked about his keenness to reprise all his classical roles. The action hero said:
“In the fall I start the shooting on the comedy Triplets with Eddie Murphy and Danny DeVito,” he explained. “In March next year, I am shooting Terminator 6, James Cameron and David Ellison are back on board and then comes a Conan.”
Arnold Schwarzenegger would be doing these films back to back.
Terminator 6 is on the cards definitely and both Arnie and James Cameron would be on board. Arnie too had confirmed in May 2017 about the sixth outing of The Terminator. He had said:
“It is moving forward. [Cameron] has some good ideas of how to continue with the franchise. I will be in the movie,”
There were hints about the sequel of The Terminator from Director Cameron as well who last month had told:
“I am in discussions with David Ellison, who is the current rights holder globally for The Terminator franchise, and the rights in the US market revert to me under US copyright law in a year and a half, so he and I are talking about what we can do,”

He had added:
“Right now we are leaning toward doing a three-film arc and reinventing it. The question is — has the franchise run its course or can it be freshened up? Can it still have relevance now where so much of our world is catching up to what was science fiction in the first two films.”
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Arnold Schwarzenegger’s accidents and injuries
Arnold Schwarzenegger is a fantastic action superstar. As a tribute to him, Forum Stadtpark, a local cultural association had come up with the idea of constructing a 25 meters tall ‘Terminator’ statue in a park in the central part of Graz, Austria. Arnold thanked the association but said that the money would be better utilized for a social cause.
Arnold Schwarzenegger has been quite prone to accidents. He is quite renowned for his motorcycle chases in his movies. But in real life, Arnold Schwarzenegger has suffered some accidents on it which have led to him having broken his bones as well. On 9th December 2001, Arnold Schwarzenegger had a weekend motorcycle accident in Santa Monica, California. It happened in the afternoon and the Harley rider was hospitalized at St. John’s Health Center in Santa Monica with six broken ribs. Though feeling a bit sore, Arnold Schwarzenegger was stable and in good spirits. Arnold Schwarzenegger released a statement at that time which said:
“Don’t worry. This won’t affect my skiing with my family at Sun Valley (Idaho) this Christmas.”
His second accident occurred when he was riding his Harley Davidson motorcycle in LA with his son Patrick sitting in the sidecar. This was on 8th January 2006. His motorcycle collided at a slow speed with another car. The driver of that car and his son were unharmed but Arnold Schwarzenegger had to undergo 15 stitches for his gaping lip injury.

On 23rd December 2006, Arnold Schwarzenegger was on a family vacation in Sun Valley, Idaho. He was injured after having fallen on a ski pole and fractured his femur. Open surgery was needed to fix the broken bones using screws and plates. He was at the St. John’s Health Center again for 7 days.
In December 2016, Arnold Schwarzenegger also suffered a stress fracture in his right lower leg. But that did not stop him from shopping in Beverly Hills after putting on a medical knee-high boot.
Other medical issues and brush with death
In April 1997, Arnold Schwarzenegger had undergone an aortic valve replacement for his congenital bicuspid aortic valve. In this condition, the aortic valve of the heart has two cusps instead of three thereby leading to some obstruction to blood outflow or possibly sometimes regurgitation of blood back into the ventricles (chambers of the heart).

Arnold Schwarzenegger also had a narrow escape when his private plane caught fire in the air and had to make an emergency landing at Van Nuys airport, LA, California on 19th June 2009.
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Source: Wikipedia, kleinezeitung