Minnesota Democrat Ilhan Omar accused of marrying her brother Ahmed Nur Said Elmi to help him get green card and scholarship!
FBI agents of the US are investigating Ilhan Omar for probable marriage fraud. She is accused of having married British citizen Ahmed Nur Said Elmi who is said to be her brother.
This marriage was an eyewash and meant to facilitate Ahmed’s getting a green card and scholarship benefits for US studies.
The Blaze report about Ilhan Omar
Earlier this month, The Blaze reported that US FBI agents had a meeting in October 2019 with a party.
This concerned party handed over to the agent’s documents about the Minnesota Democrat’s marriage to British citizen Ahmed Nur Said Elmi who was her second husband. The couple married in 2009.

A source revealed that the FBI department has decided to give the documents the two agents had procured to the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. But they did not say anything on whether they would be initiating an investigation into Ilhan themselves.
The Minnesota state Rep. Steve Drazkowski (R) had filed a complaint with the Minnesota District of the Department of Justice on this matter. The latter then asked the FBI to review the complaint.
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The allegations against Ilhan
There are allegations against Ilhan that in 2009 she married her second husband, Ahmed Nur Said Elmi who is from the UK to help him get a green card and financial benefits for his studies. Ahmed Nur Said Elmi is her brother.
Last summer, the Washington Examiner also did its investigation. It has dozens of documents that reveal that Ilhan’s statements on her marriage have a lot of discrepancies.

Ilhan, 38 had stated that she wed her first husband, Ahmed Abdisalan Hirsi in the year 2002. But she divorced him according to her faith tradition in 2008.
In 2009, she married Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, her brother and they reportedly moved to North Dakota.
Ilhan was admitted to the North Dakota State University the same year in August while Ahmed Nur Said Elmi enrolled in 2010. She got her degree in June 2011 and the couple divorced two years later in 2011.
But during the time that she and Ahmed Nur Said Elmi were married, she continued to reside in the same house as Ahmed Abdisalan Hirsi.
After her divorce from her second husband, she reconciled with her first husband. But later in October 2019, she got divorced from her first husband as well.
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Ilhan Omar’s response to the accusations
The Congresswoman refused to answer any queries related to this topic. Her office also stated that she would not answer on this subject.

If the Court convicts her of this type of marriage fraud, she will have to pay a fine of $250,000 and there is a likelihood of five years imprisonment.
Source: Washington Examiner