Missing your Ex? 9 Basic Notes before Reconciling with your Ex!
- Do you still love your ex? What can you do to be with him/her again?
- We have a solution and guidelines for those who want to get back to their exes.
- Here are 9 basic notes you need to recall before getting back to your ex.
Crazy right? You thought you could live without your partner and broke up but here it is now, you are craving them even more. So, how do you put this thing now? Here are 9 Basic Notes before Reconciling with your ex.
1. Reboot Date with Ex
How do you feel when you’re with them? is the major query that should be kept in mind when trying to reconcile stuff with your ex-partner. You shall go on a reboot date, basically a second-time first date after the breakup. But it’s quite different, you are likely to take it slow and steady as another chance may not come in. It’s a closure date where you just try if you could proceed with the same person again.

2. Don’t Consider it a New Relationship
You want to go back to your ex and put in the needful efforts so that things are back to normal again. But let us warn you, it won’t be this easy again like the memories, bitterness, or sweet ones may come along if you try to rebuild a connection with your partner after separation. Trying to solve the conflicts and earlier reasons for breakup shall be helpful.
3. Don’t Use the Past as a Weapon
Using the past as a weapon is what most people tend to do wrong while trying to get back with their ex. What happened in past remains in past only, and the thing that you carry forward is a life lesson that you take along with you.
4. Communicate Honestly with Ex
You ought to clear all those emotional vulnerabilities, and dissatisfaction, and be honest with yourself that you are having a real conversation with your ex-partner before restarting another phase.
5. Be Open About Time Apart
You might have had a phase of breakup where you used to miss your ex or in a phase when you are missing him/her. So, how can you move past this? You can catch up on what happened in your lives individually when you spend some alone time. This could be beneficial when reconciling things and the experience can help you refocus on the concept of independence and interdependence in the relationship.
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6. Inform Friends and Family
Whenever you are planning to get back with your ex, you need to take the advice of your friends and family or at least inform about your decision to them. After all, they were the ones who ensured your happiness and constantly check on you. They may wish for your betterment and hence, give you a reality check of the prospects of redating the same person.
7. Can you Trust Your Ex Again?
One of the formest questions you have to ask yourself before getting along with your ex is, “Can you trust him Again? ” You can lie to others but your heart knows if you have the capacity to put yourself together and trust the same guy again. If the answer is yes, you may proceed happily.

8. Honest Look at the Past
Having an honest look at the past is equally as important as having a healthy conversation with your ex about resolving the arguments. You can look through the scenario where you left each other and rethink did you act silly out of ego or were barely that immature at your decision.
9. Do You miss the person (Ex) or just the companionship?
Most of the time people failed to acknowledge if they desperately want to be in a relationship or if they just miss their ex. Once people are habituated to their partner, it tends to get difficult to live life separately, where you have no idea whom you are going to ring and just share what you felt all day long. So, the most important part is missing teh person not craving a relationship.
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