“My Year Without a Nose” -Actor-comedian Steve Bean Levy dies at age 58 due to nose cancer!
Steve Bean Levy succumbs to rare nose cancer
Actor-comedian, Steve Bean Levy was battling nose cancer for more than two years. He lost this battle on 21 January 2019 when he passed away it.
Steve was suffering from a rare form of nose cancer called Sino-Nasal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. It was an extremely invasive and rapidly spreading tumor which engulfed his nose and also his sinuses and eyes.

He was 58 at the time of his death and is survived by his wife Caroline Carrigan and their only child, son Jacob Randall Levy.
Steve Bean Levy and his magazine article-My Year Without a Nose
Steve Bean was the funny type who used to make people around him laugh. But after 2016, everything changed. Steve who wrote an article titled My Year Without a Nose for Mel Magazine had in-depth described his living with only the nose socket.

In 2016, Steve started having chronic nosebleeds and also severe nasal congestion. He sought medical consultation and was diagnosed with nose cancer.
Caroline told Daily Mail:
“The tumor, unbeknownst to us, was already pushing his nose literally out of joint and he was starting to look like a boxer. And then like something from Avata.”
The doctors conducted a biopsy on him and it revealed that he had a rare form of nose cancer originating from the sinus cavity behind.
Part of the treatment was surgery to remove the growth as much as possible. But since it was so behind and hidden by the nose, his surgeons told him that his nose will have to be removed to reach and remove the growth.
Nasal surgery on Steve Bean Levy and further therapy
In March 2017, he had a rhinectomy (12 hours of surgery) and Steve described the state of his face post-surgery. He wrote:
“Here was a pseudo-triangular nose-shaped “hole” in my face, dead center, with the three points of the triangle slightly rounded. I wondered, How did Blackwell manage to do this without damaging my eyesight?”

Steve had 35 cycles of radiation therapy and 6 chemotherapy cycles post-nasal operation.
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The results of the medical management on Steve Bean Levy
On follow-up, doctors found that the tumor had regressed minimally and therapy was not successful. They gave him 9-12 months to live. The tumor continued unabated and involved his right eye as well leading to pain. Doctors enucleated his right eye as well. Steve Bean wrote:
“If you’re keeping track at home, I’ve now lost my nose, my tear ducts, my upper palate and gums, all but four of my teeth, my appetite, my right cheekbone, much of my right jawbone, much of my right cheek, my eyebrows and moustache (chemo), the feeling in my upper lip (surgery), most of the motor control of the right side of my face (surgery) and some hearing in each ear (chemo). I also lost about 40 pounds, and worst of all, I lost my sense of humor.”
Steve Bean was a talented actor, comedian, and writer and he breathed his last on 21 January this year. May his soul rest in peace!
Source: Mirror UK, People