Nicole Curtis still breastfeeding her 34 months old son, says “I truly believe it’s the child’s choice.”
Breastfeeding can be continued till how to time the baby wants to. Mostly working mothers breastfeed for the time they can give to their babies, some for months, some for a year or two years. According to the World Health Organisation,
“exclusive breastfeeding for six months is the optimal way of feeding infants. Thereafter, infants should receive complementary foods with continued breastfeeding up to 2 years of age or beyond.”
Nicole Curtis, an American television host, whose son Harper was born in May 2015 is now 34 months old. And she is still breastfeeding him. Many have criticized her saying that breastfeeding should end.
She says,
“Every single day I have to hear weather criticism about how my child is too old to breastfeed. But when he weans, it’s going to be his decision. I truly believe it’s the child’s choice.”
Her baby does not like food, he does not eat it properly so she says that it is completely a child’s choice,
“I keep saying, it’s not like he’s 7 or 8 — he’s still a baby. It doesn’t force children to eat — it allows them to discover it and gradually wean at their pace.”)

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Secret Pregnancy
When she was pregnant in 2015, she did not make it public until she was sure. She already has a 21-year-old son, Ethan and during the pregnancy, she was 41, so she did not want others to judge her.
She shared,
“I was worried about being judged. It was a very difficult time for me. There I was, almost 40, having another child on my own.”
Joint custody of the child
Nicole had separated from her partner Shane Maguire before the news of the pregnancy. After he came to know that Harper was his baby, he asserted his parental rights and the court granted him visitation.
When Harper was to be sent to Shane, Nicole said she felt broken,
“Harper had never, ever been away from me before. That was the most horrific moment. It was heart-wrenching.”
She had never fed a bottle to her baby, she had always breastfed him. But she says when the child was with father, he had no option,
“He had never had a bottle before, and then all of a sudden that was his only option while he was with his dad.”
A verdict was passed that both parents would have to share the custody of the child. However, Shane and Nicole stay far away from each other. Shane resides in Michigan and Nicole is living in Minnesota. The distance is around 602 miles and would take more than 12 hours to commute by road. Read More…
“It’s so important that children have both of their parents. But [preventing] me from breastfeeding my child just so he can see the dad is not right.”
She says her baby is her priority than her relationship,
“If there’s one goal that’s out there for me it’s that time will heal some wounds here and I can have that relationship going forward for the baby.”
Short Bio on Nicole Curtis
Nicole Curtis is an American T.V. personality known as the host of HGTV’s home renovation show. She is also prominent as a producer and actress for “Rehab Addict” (2010), “Home & Family” (2012), and “Daryl’s Restoration Over-Hall” (2014). She is a hardworking person and possesses a recognizable position in the American entertainment field. More Bio…
Reference: (goodhousekeeping)