Olivia Newton-John: her breast cancer relapse, cancelation of her US and Canada tour and her positivity: Read on to know more!
Olivia Newton-John returns to social media after a month
Nearly a month after she revealed that her breast cancer has relapsed, English-Australian singer and actress, Olivia Newton John, 70 returned to her Instagram on 24th June 2017.
She uploaded a photo that she had snapped in February 2017 in Chile performing at the Viña del Mar International Song Festival. Olivia is presently on photon radiation therapy and complementary natural remedies for her cancer.
There have been reports in the media that say that she has some difficulty in moving around due to her cancer treatment regimes. She was spotted at a supermarket in Santa Barbara in early June 2017 shopping for some groceries.

She seemed to be in high spirits during her shopping. In her statement made to People, Olivia had said that she is confident that her treatment would be successful. She is certain that she would be able to complete the tour for her album Liv On.
Olivia had said:
“I’m totally confident that my new journey will have a positive success story to inspire others!”
She further informed:
“I am feeling good and enjoying total support from my family and friends, along with a team of wellness and medical practitioners both here in the US and at my Olivia Newton-John Cancer Wellness and Research Centre in Melbourne, Australia.”
John Easterling, 65, Olivia’s husband and herb tycoon also had the same positivity. He told:
“We both have the same unshakable belief that she’s going to have a wonderful success story. We’re not trying to be positive. We have an absolute knowingness that we can turn this around.”
Olivia cancels her US and Canada tour
Olivia was due to perform in the US and Canada in June 2017 after the release of her 2016 album, Liv on. She developed severe back pain and could not attend the meet-and-greet events for her upcoming tour.
On seeking medical assistance for her back pain, it was revealed that Olivia had breast cancer relapse with metastasis to the sacrum. In order to get a thorough treatment, Olivia had to unwillingly cancel her tour.
A statement was posted on her Facebook at end of May 2017 which read:
“Olivia Newton-John is reluctantly postponing her June US and Canadian concert tour dates.”

Olivia had breast cancer in 1992 when she was 43 years old and from which she had completely recovered. She had undergone radical modified mastectomy, chemotherapy and breast reconstruction. Later, She was deeply involved in making others aware of this and importance of early detection. In 2008, she built the Olivia Newton-John Cancer and Wellness Center in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Her album, Liv On is also a tribute to her sister who died of brain cancer and aims to help those who have suffered such personal losses in their lifetime.
Her album, Liv On
The idea of making this album came up after the death of Olivia’s elder sister Rona due to brain cancer. Olivia has collaborated with Canadian singer Amy Sky and Nashville veteran Beth Nielsen Chapman.
It is an 11-song collection and the theme of these songs revolves around overcoming trauma. The Album deals with challenging topics such as coping with the loss of a loved one, the value of end-of-life care, and the unpredictable process of healing.
The trio’s harmonized voices are accompanied only by an acoustic guitar and a piano. In spite of the musical sparseness, the songs leave their impact strong and long.
All the songs are heartfelt renditions. The heartbreaking subject has been handled with the utmost sensitivity and has vowed the listeners.

Olivia Newton-John will reschedule her tour to the end of this year. We hope that she comes out of her cancer relapse clean and is able to accomplish her dream!