Juliana Canfield

The current relationship status of Juliana Canfield is single. She has not shared any info about her relationship with the public. She keeps her personal life private.

Currently, she might be focusing on her acting career. If we find anything about her relationship we will update you soon.

Claudio Noce

According to some sources, Claudio Noce appears to be single and unmarried as of 2023. He is not dating someone and has never been married or engaged.

Moreover, he tries to keep her personal life private, and there are no details that he is in a relationship by looking at his social media sites.

Naomi J. Ogawa

Naomi J. Ogawa is possibly single. She has kept her personal life private and her love life away from media attention.

Furthermore, no information regarding her past relationships is available.

Jake Quickenden

Jake Quickenden is happily married to his long-year girlfriend, Sophie Church.

Recently on 4 September 2022, Jake and Sophie exchanged their nuptials in a stunning Ibiza wedding.

The duo started dating in 2018 and shared an engagement ring on August 2021. Before, getting married the couple had their son named, Leo, who was born in April 2021.

Moreover, he is the stepfather to a stepson, Freddie Quickenden, from Sophie’s past relationship.

Past Relationships

Previously, The former X-Factor star, 34 was engaged to a lady named, Danielle Fogarty, who has maintained a low-key profile.

There is no further info about their relationship.

Natalia Barulich

Natalia is single and isn’t engaged in any relationship as of now.

Previously, she was in a relationship with singer-songwriter Maluma, real name Juan Luis Londoño Arias. They first met in 2017 while shooting for the music video Felices Los 4.

The duo was spotted vacationing in Portofino, Italy in January 2018 and also pictured holding hands and kissing. After that, it was known that they were dating.

In early February, they even got inked with matching infinity signs on their left thumbs further cementing their love for each other. In June 2018, they also celebrated their anniversary on a private jet. However, the couple gets separated in 2019.

After that Natalia is said to be dating Neymar who is a famous Brazilian Soccer Player.