Tyler Cameron

Currently, he is single and not dating anyone.

Past Relationship

Recently, in August 2022, Tyler Cameron and Paige Lorenze split.

The specific reason for their breakup has not been revealed yet.

Tyler Cameron dated Hannah Brown after the finale of The Bachelorette when she admitted that she still had feelings for Cameron. They were pictured on dates but never made their relationship official.

It was rumored that he dated supermodel Gigi Hadid and has been pictured together since August 2019.

Essence Atkins

The prominent actor Essence Atkins is a married woman and was married to Jaime Mendez on September 26, 2009.

When she turned 39, she became pregnant and gave birth to their first child, named Varro Blair Mendez, and lived happily.

But in 2016, the couple decided to live separately thereafter.

Besides this, she hasn’t revealed her past or her future plans.

She may have dated many boys but hasn’t publicized any information about it.

She is single and not dating anyone at the moment.