How To Take A Perfect Selfie For Your Instagram Just Like A Celebrity? 5 Easy Tips And Tricks For A Good Selfie!
Instagram and taking a selfie are a trend for this generation. A selfie is a self-portrait digital photograph that is usually taken from smartphones or digital cameras.
Posting a good selfie on social media accounts is a huge thing among people and celebrities are not an exception. People may wonder how the celebs take such an amazing selfies.
Here are some of the tips and tricks to take an amazing selfie just like your favorite celebs.
1. Know your angles

To take a good selfie, first, you must know your angles. Tilt your head around to find out your best angle. As your face shape varies, there are different good angles for everyone. Find out the best side of your first to take a good selfie.
2. Find the natural lighting

Another important thing for a good selfie is probably finding good natural lighting. A place with natural lighting can be very useful to get the perfect selfie that you can post on your Instagram. It gives a beautiful glow and also defines the features of your face more nicely. You should avoid fluorescent lighting because it is not good for taking a selfie.
3. Appropriate distance between your face and camera

To take a good selfie, you should keep the appropriate distance between her face and the camera. You should neither camera too close or too far from the camera. When your camera is too near your nose and other parts of the face may look weird. Meanwhile, when the camera is too far specific facial features may not be visible.
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4. Don’t add too much of filter

Though you take an amazing selfie, you may ruin it using an unnecessary amount of filters. There are plenty of filters on Instagram and also many apps on the IOS and Google Playstore to make your pictures look great. However, using too much filter may ruin your pictures. Piling up every filter will make the picture look unnatural and diminish the proper glimpse of your facial features.
5. Head away from your neck

When you extend your head away from your neck, it shows your jawline looks sharp. It also creates an illusion of a longer neck and sharp jawline. Furthermore, when you push your shoulders down it makes you look relaxed and make your selfie game strong.
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Source: Cosmopolitan, Seventeen, The Sun