Petitions for Eugenia Cooney’s ban from YouTube! What Eugenia and doctors have to say about her skinny body?
Anti-Eugenia petitions
A petition has been uploaded on which requests online viewers to sign and support the petition. This petition is to ‘Get Eugenia Cooney off YouTube’. This has been uploaded on 25/6/2017.
The petition explains that the YouTuber and Vlogger, Eugenia Cooney is sick and suffering from anorexia. Her online presence is influencing kids with impressionable minds to become as skinny as her and this trend is not a good sign for the future.

The petitioner has also stated that the young lady needs help. It has been uploaded for just 3 hours and has got 4 supporters while its goal is to get support from at least 1000 people.
22-year-old Eugenia Cooney has been under fire for displaying her pathologically thin body. The first petition was started by young YouTube user Lynn Cloud who felt that she was not in any way helping the girls with anorexia.
The petition said:
“Eugenia Cooney has a serious medical condition and needs to seek help. She has been influencing her viewers by her serious underweight condition,”
It continued:
“She may not be intentionally influencing her viewers but showing 50 per cent of her body in videos and pictures are not helping girls with anorexia or any eating disorder.”
The petitioner claimed that his 12-year-old cousin has taken ill and needed medical attention after she followed Eugenia Cooney and started starving herself to look as thin as her.
Though this original petition was removed from the site, there have been many more that have taken its place. The petitioners deny vehemently that they have taken forward this crusade out of jealousy or video competition. User Melody Music also has put up a petition.
It said:
“This is not to hurt or bring down Eugenia Cooney, but to save her. It is extremely important to sign this because eugenia will see this and get her mind thinking about this. No one is helping her.”

Melody Music has also criticized her mother for not helping her child and instead of supporting her by telling her that Eugenia should ignore the haters.
Eugenia Cooney’s mother is on the obese side and hence some of the users joked:
“Well now we know who’s been eating all the food.”
People all around the globe have, however, requested the video blogger to seek help.
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What has Eugenia Cooney to say?
Eugenia Cooney has been posting tips on hair care, makeup, and dressing styles for people. Defending her side, Eugenia Cooney posted a video and said:
“Some people are saying I’m like a bad influence on girls. I just want you guys to know like I have seriously never have tried to be a bad influence on YouTube or to influence anyone badly. I would never want to do that.”

She added:
“I have never told anyone to try to lose weight or to try to change the way they look or to look like me.”
Eugenia Cooney also tweeted her apologies:
“Guys I am so sorry if you’re angry at me even though I’m really not trying to do anything wrong but please do not attack other people.”
She is also worried about her loyal fans who are getting bullied for defending her. She started her YouTube channel in 2013 after leaving school. Eugenia Cooney also said:
“I’m just kind of naturally like that, I guess. There isn’t really a reason.”
She further wrote:
“I’m really sorry, I seriously never mean to do that. It kind of sucks that so many people on the internet feel like I’m a really bad person.”
What do doctors say?
There are several websites these days that advocate losing weight to a great extent and celebrate these unhealthy milestones or goals. The young bloggers’ condition was discussed in ‘The Doctors’.
They noted that though Eugenia Cooney has not come forward with any complaints of an eating disorder, many young people have expressed their desire to grow as thin as her. This is a cause for concern.
They also discussed the glamorization of her thin figure. Rosie Mercado was the guest on the show. Rosie was 75-inch hips size before she lost 30 inches and 250 pounds.

She said that stars have the responsibility to give their followers a positive message. But she also said that we do not know what Eugenia Cooney is going through and expect the online viewers to treat her with respect. Eugenia’s reps said:
“We’re not looking to comment at this time. We simply appreciate supporting her and her family while we help them work through this.”
Doctors have advised people to eat healthily and keep active. They have also requested all to respect people on social media when it comes to their physical appearance and self-image.
Short Bio on Eugenia Cooney
Eugenia Cooney, the notorious YouTuber was born in Massachusetts. Known for her thin body among the YouTube community, Eugenia is also a model. Having joined YouTube on June 17, 2011, she gained a large number of popularity for her twerk video.
Eugenia, with her abnormal-looking body, posts beauty in various random videos on her YouTube. She is also an actress. YouTube popular, Eugenia featured in the 4th season of the American audio podcast “Shane and Friends”. More Bio…