Reese Witherspoon defends her treat made from her house backyard snow!
American actress and film producer, Reese Witherspoon, 47 uploaded a video on her TikTok account two days back. Little did she know that it would cause such a stir. What was her video about?What did her fans think about it?
Reese Witherspoon and her snow recipe
Reese Witherspoon, 47 is a gorgeous star and a great film producer. She is active on social media and has a huge fan following. On 19 January 2024, Reese uploaded a tutorial video on her TikTok account. In this video, she showed her fans how to make a treat using snow. She had used her backyard snow in making the treat. The caption of her TikTok video read:
“Snow days were made for Chococinnos❄️☕,”

For the recipe, Reese had used two mugs of fresh snow from the backyard of her house. To this, she added chocolate and salted caramel. And there was cold brew coffee to go with it. Reese named this as snow salt chococinno. She said as a voiceover:
“OK, so we’ve had a ton of snow over the past few days. We decided to make a recipe,”
After showing the recipe details, she exclaimed:
“Oh my gosh, it’s so good!”
The response of Reese’s fans
On viewing the video clip of Reese, her fans were concerned. They were skeptical about the safety of snow. They felt that snow might not be safe to eat. One TikTok user warned:
“😳 No no no..snow is not made to can get seriously sick.”
And another TikTok user commented:
“I thought eating snow was like dangerous to our health 😭.”
While a third user stated:
“Can you put snow in a clear cup and let it melt I just want to see if it’s safe to eat first 😂.”

And another chap remarked:
“Fallen snow can be very dirty from the air and wind, But who cares. You only live once. I remember eating snow as a kid.👍🏼”
Reese responds…
Reese was quick to reply to her fans and their concerns. She defended her act to use snow in the recipe. She posted a follow up video on the same social media platform and it said:
“There’s so many people on here saying that snow is dirty,”
Reese continued:
“So we went and took snow from the backyard, and we microwaved it—and it’s clear. Is this bad? Am I not supposed to eat snow?”

And there were some of her loyal fans who commented to reassure her saying:
“We survived the rusty hose water of the 1990’s summer…how bad can snow be?”
Another fan wrote of his experience:
“I’ve had snow ice cream for 34 years and I’m still living 🤣.”
Reese gave an update on her TikTok:
“Ok, so we’re kind of in the category of, like, you only live once,”
“And it snows maybe once a year here. I don’t know. Also, I want to say something—it was delicious.”
She added:
“It was so good (Laughs).”
In another update, Reese said:
“OK, talking about the snow not being filtered, I didn’t grow up drinking filtered water. We drank out of the tap water. We actually put our mouths on the tap and then sometimes like in the summer, when it was hot, we drank out of the hose, like, we put our mouth on the hose, growing up.”
“Maybe that’s why I’m like this,”
“So what you’re saying to me is I have to filter the snow before I eat it? I just can’t. Filtered snow. I don’t know how to do that.”
Short bio on Reese Witherspoon
Reese Witherspoon is an American actress and film producer. More bio…