Ruth Neave was Suspected of Murdering her Own Son. Why?
- Rikki Neave, a 6-year-old was found dead in November 1994.
- Initially, his mother, Ruth Neave was suspected of the murder.
- Ruth abused Rikki as a child and would often hit him.
- The real murderer of Rikki has finally been found after 28 years.
Why was Ruth Neave accused of the murder?
On a cold November morning in 1994, a small Rikki Neave left for school but never came back home. His naked body was found in a star position near his home in woodland on the Welland estate in Peterborough the next day.
The boy was strangled with the zip of his hood.
Police initially doubted Rikki‘s mother, Ruth might be the killer of her own child. The poor child was continuously abused and beaten by his mother.
Also, Read, Celebrities who were tragically murdered!

Ruth threatened to kill him, wrote idiot across his forehead, and squirted liquid soap into his mouth several times. She continued to bully him all his life. The little boy was abused and tortured by his own mother till his death.
Ruth was jailed for seven years for child abuse. The mother of the deceased was finally released as she was proven not guilty of the murder.
Ruth was described as a wholly unfit mother who used her son as a punching bag and drug runner.

The mother continuously pleaded to reopen the case and finally after 28 years justice has been served to Rikki.
However, Rikki’s sister, Rochelle Neave blames their abusive mother for the death of her brother.
Who is the real killer of Rikki Neave?
Nearly after 28 years of Rikki‘s death, his true killer has been identified.
Back in the 90s, sticky tapes were used to collect fiber from various clothing. James Watson, 41, who was 13 years at the time of the murder, was once named during the primary investigation in 1994.

But the boy easily escaped as all the blame was put on Ruth as she was very abusive towards her children.
Witnesses claimed that they saw James playing with Rikki on the day of his death.
James denied saying he did not meet Rikki that day. Later he changed his statement saying he might have helped Rikki see over a fence.
Investigators proved that the fence was never there when the boy was murdered.

Also, the investigators were lucky to find an envelope of samples of Rikki‘s clothing along with DNA samples of James Watson.
The Neave family is finally relieved that the true killer has been found.