Silicon Valley has witnessed a rise in male cosmetic surgeries to look young and energetic for a career!
- Cosmetic surgery has for long been considered a surgery employed predominantly by females worldwide.
- Because they supposedly have societal pressure to look good and beautiful.
- But now men from Silicon Valley are increasingly feeling the heat of it and are willing to go under the knife more often to portray their best in their careers.
The Silicon Valley and rejuvenating tips
More and more men from the tech world want to conceal their true age these days and want to look younger. Therefore, they are taking vacations to locations of the world such as Italy’s Amalfi Coast, and having spiritual sessions in tropical destinations such as Bali in Indonesia.
They feel rejuvenated, younger, and energetic after these wonderful sessions. And these refreshing activities remove the stress and tension of their lives which is so much a part and parcel of their work environment.
Their colleagues get impressed and say that the particular individual has come out as a new and young person. Besides, the worker seems to them to be more energetic and hardworking and acquires a youthful professional image. Additionally, his dating life picks up and it improves beyond imagination.
Cosmetic surgery in the tech world of Silicon Valley
Many men in the tech world of Silicon Valley of the US are resorting to plastic surgery techniques to conceal their advancing age and look evergreen.
Hence, they are going in for cosmetic surgery, Botox, facelift surgeries to counteract under-eye bags, and midsection sculpting that gives the impression of washboard abs.

The number of men using plastic surgery for body modifications has doubled in the last few years.
Plastic Surgeon Larry Fan and his opinions
Larry Fan, a San Francisco-based plastic surgeon spoke to The Washington Post and revealed that tech workers are increasingly becoming his clients now. And he said that currently, 25 % of his customers belong to the tech industry.
And these men are now struggling with beauty problems. Furthermore, they have now established standards that they want to reach with the help of plastic surgery. Though these problems in the past used to torment the womenfolk of the world, they have now got brushed onto the men.
Larry is an expert in penile enhancement and Botox therapies. Further, he said:
“In Silicon Valley, it’s commonly believed that if you’re over the age of 35, you’re seen as over the hill,”

He continued:
“People here value the young for their passion and their ability to look at things in new ways.”
“In meetings, middle-aged guys will notice that everyone around them looks fresh-faced and youthful, and they’ll tell me they feel like they stick out, and not in a good way,”
More on the tech world transformation
The tech industry has transformed dramatically over the years and complicated pressures have been surmounted. The male-dominated ecosphere of Silicon Valley is in for a major change. And mid-career tech workers are feeling the pinch of it.
It has moved from behind-the-scenes services to dealing with some of the most influential products on Earth. A new class of extremely rich tech executives, hedge fund managers, and venture investors has emerged and competition has risen.
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Youthful brainpower as well as youthful bodies are the in-words. Tech worker Daniel, 48 says:
“Back in the early 2000s and late ’90s, people didn’t worry too much about how you looked. But there’s a whole new generation of workers here, and they have created different expectations, and that starts with appearance. You see more people in shape and looking fashionable now.”
“And if people in the workplace know you’re older than everyone else, it can hurt you in terms of what roles you get,”
Source: The Washington Post