Skin rashes and spots – another unusual presentation of coronavirus infection!
- Coronavirus has now been affecting people since December 2019.
- The common symptomatology of the virus was known early.
- But as days go by and the virus affects more people, it is becoming known that there are some more common symptoms of the disease.
Additionally, the virus gives rise to some unusual features in some individuals and this list of rare symptoms is also increasing by the day.
Now, skin rashes and spots on toes have been added to this ever-expanding list of symptoms of coronavirus infection.
New symptoms of skin rashes in coronavirus infection
As coronavirus continues to affect more people, new features and characteristics are coming to the forefront. A report from Italy has stated that 20% of coronavirus cases have a skin rash on initial presentation. Half presented right at the onset while half came a bit later in the illness.

But the type of the rash differed. Some of the rashes were raised like hives. In some, it was of the lacy pattern type. This is called livedo reticularis in medical terms.
Some of these rashes were frostbite type and called chilblains or pernio. Whereas in some they presented like chickenpox.
Sebastiano Recalcati from Alessandro Manzoni Hospital in Lecco Italy states that most of the rashes were on the trunk. There was no or only minimal associated itching.
Spots on the toes
Recent studies have shown that skin rashes appeared more on the fingers or toes of the affected patients. Biopsies taken of the spots show lymphocyte predominance around the blood vessels.
Dr. Ramon Grimalt, Professor of Dermatology at UIC-Barcelona in Spain states that children and teenagers had more chilblains on fingers or toes. These were sometimes with pain and appeared without cold exposure. Hence they are called pseudo-chilblains.

The respiratory symptoms in these kids were absent or minimal. Most of these skin lesions are benign and noticed in otherwise asymptomatic cases of Covid-19.
In Bangkok, doctors treating coronavirus victims noticed another unusual petechial rash. The platelet count was, also low like that in dengue viral infection. Later, when the patient got breathing problems, a Coronavirus infection was diagnosed.
All these are due to blockage or inflammation in the blood vessels of the limbs.
The treatment of the skin rash of coronavirus infection
If a person who has tested positive for coronavirus finds such a rash on his or her body, there is no urgent need to seek medical attention.
The person has to continue with the self-quarantine until they test negative for the virus. This is to avoid the spread of the coronavirus to others around.

But at any point, if you get seriously ill or the rash has additional problems like bleeding or ulceration, immediate medical consultation should be sought. But it is rare for any such thing to happen with the rash.
Click to read on Remdesivir, the first potential covid-19 drug is not effective in the first trial too severe coronavirus patients-WHO
Source: Forbes