What is a sleep divorce? Why do some people opt for it?
- A recent study showed that 30% of couples opt for sleep divorce.
- What is sleep divorce? And why do some people opt for it? How useful is it?
What is sleep divorce?
Many couples have marital problems. But they do not go ahead with the complete legal divorce. Instead, they have what is called sleep divorce. A recent study revealed that around 30% of people go for this type of divorce. So what does it mean?
The word divorce sounds very drastic. But sleep divorce is not so drastic. In fact, in this type of divorce, the only thing is that the two partners sleep in different beds rather than on a common one.
This is done when sleeping on the same bed is annoying for one partner due to various reasons. One of the partners finds it difficult to sleep on the same bed as the partner due to some irritating things such as snoring, tossing too often, reading with the light on, etc. Therefore, sleep divorce is done to ensure better and more sound sleep.

The reasons for this divorce
Chris Winter who is a neurologist and runs a sleep clinic in Charlottesville, Virginia states:
“It makes sense to sleep apart any time one partner’s sleep disturbs another, whether it’s because of snoring, different work schedules, or restlessness,”
“At least from time to time.”
And this is because sound sleep is a must for better work efficiency and better work output.
“Poor sleep can tremendously impact your relationship. People are more irritable, less able to read emotions, more impulsive, and more prone to depression if they aren’t getting adequate sleep.” So yes, it’s worth making sleep a major prio…for your health *and* your relationship.”
Besides, there are other reasons such as pregnancy or a busy work schedule due to which you do not want the other partner to be troubled and hence would prefer to have a temporary sleep divorce. Additionally, you might want to sleep separately before an important meeting the next day.
Does this divorce imply the end of a relationship?
It is the other way around. Sleep divorce implies a love for the other partner whom one of the partners does not want to be in trouble. Sleeping in the same bed is by no means synonymous with a healthy relationship. Dr. Chris opines:
“Sleeping apart is a personal choice, but I also think two people can love one another and not inhabit the same bedroom,”
At such a time, it is important to have a good conversation about it. The person who is upset with this arrangement should be explained that the desire to sleep separately has nothing to do with the feelings for him or her. The feelings are intact and unchanged.
National Sleep Foundation did a survey and found that 38% of people are getting disturbed by their partner’s sleep disorder. Sherry states:
“It’s nice to have some space and time to yourself,”
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Source: Women’s Health magazine