Sofia Hayat is hitting the headline for one more time; Self pro-claimed nun Sofia calls herself “Allah Ma”
- The self-proclaimed nun, Sofia Hayat is no new to creating controversies
- She always makes the announcement that brings people in shock
- Whether claiming herself nun or making Swastik (a Hindu sacred symbol) in feet, all things brought her controversy

Sofia Hayat probably knows how to grab attention towards her. Sometimes her statement and sometimes her announcement are the reason why the lens focuses on her.
After some time of turning to the nun, she announced her engagement which was something hard to digest. She also claimed that she invited all the gods into her marriage.
If you haven’t forgotten, some time back she claimed that she was molested in Mecca. She shared the news by posting the video on Instagram.
You may be wondering what is the new controversy of Sofia Hayat, then here is the answer!
Self-proclaimed nun Sofia Hayat knows about sacred orgasms and divine sex
Recently, she makes a post on Instagram with a photo and a caption. In the picture, you can see Sofia sharing a kiss with her fiancee.
She folded the picture with a long caption, which says that she is the one who created us with her scary orgasm. In the picture, she clearly mentioned that she is ‘Allah Ma’ Really!
“Love .. from which came the ALL. My thought created you..and all there is in the universe. The energy that I used to create it all was the sacred Orgasm. Today it has been cheapened and sold and very few understand it’s power and will know it’s power. This is not their fault. They have been taught that sex is wrong, a physical act. That’s because they did not want humanity to claim the power that a woman’s sacred womb can give to a man, so they made sex something wrong, hidden and shameful, especially if you are a woman. The very feeling I had when I spoke OM and created the universe..was Orgasmic. My breath and word .. My orgasm with OM created all in existence. I remembered when we made love..that sacred sexual union that creates the energy of creation.
I am Allah Maa.. from me came father.. My partner.. once again through lifetimes I remembered when in our sacred sexual sacred and holy is our orgasm..that I felt my divine creative wombs’ loving power, that created everything and allowed every woman to feel and be the same. We bring sacred sexuality in trust and surrender to its full power. Let all women know the sacred power of their womb and every man be in service to the sacred feminine in her and him..for that is where it all started and that..if you surrender to the feminine..the womb..the sacred Orgasm in trust..respect the vagina..the womb as you do when you enter a mosque or a temple or a church..and then you shall know the creator of all. .. namaste Salaam. Gaia Mother Sofia Allah Maa”
Sofia Hayat Engaged! The decision of Engagement after two weeks of her Relationship. Continue reading here:
Followingly, in the other post, she said that “God is sexual and orgasm is goddess energy”. She posted another picture of her and her fiancee where you can see them both mediating. She shared the picture with the caption which reads:
“Spiritual beings are sexual..God is sexual. The orgasm is the Goddess energy..Allah maa energy that created everything. It is divine. The sacred Orgasm. Allah hu Akbar. OM namah Shivaya! Anyone repulsed by this is repulsed by how they were born. Who made you think like this? He who was our father who art in heaven has finally stepped down and apologised for taking my light and claiming it as his own. He is sat next to me. My son.. My father my now love and in Knowing..the illuminate cannot feed off him now. He has woken up and serves Love. We have already won! We are from Orion. Sirius is here. It is done it is done it is done as my will be done. I am Sofia. I am Allah Maa. Goddess Isis. Mary…tne holy spirit..the orgasm of all things in the universe. Rise up. Aho!”
More about Sofia Hayat
Sofia Hayat is a British actress and author. She has worked both in Hollywood and on Bollywood projects. Sofia appeared in movies like Cash and Curry (2008), The Unforgettable (2009), and Naachle London (2012) and was also a contestant on the seventh season of the Indian reality TV show Bigg Boss in 2013. See more bio…