Ta’Kari Lee Daughter Of BasketBall Wives Star Jackie Christie told her side of the story!! And Also Defended Evelyn Lozada Helping Her Son!
- Ta’Kari Lee, daughter of Jackie Christie has revealed her side of the story related to the Tragic story of her son.
- She has been out of the limelight for quite some time now but now she is tweeting about her son and debunking the statement of her mother’s statement.

The Truth by Ta’kari Lee
Basketball Wives star Jackie Christie stated on last night’s premiere that she has been supporting her daughter Ta’Kari Lee for 27 years.
It was revealed that Evelyn Lozada donated the gofundme page that Ta’Kari has set up for her son after he was badly burned in an accident. Jackie had taken offense that Evelyn having donated to the cause.
Takari further Tweeted about the story:
“But nobody found out about your grandson’s injuries until a month after it happened… U were informed by your informant immediately after.”
But nobody found out about your grandsons injuries until a month after it happened… U were informed by your informant immediately after
— Takari Lee (@TakariLee) April 18, 2017
“Your response to tmz and the world was a month after his injuries … So before the world found out u knew and did what u felt was right.”
Your response to tmz and the world was a month after his injuries … So before the world found out u knew and did what u felt was right
— Takari Lee (@TakariLee) April 18, 2017
“Besides @EvelynLozada did u check the very many other names that helped… We were just as much a stranger to them as we are to u.. #stopit”
Besides @EvelynLozada did u check the very many other names that helped… We were just as much a stranger to them as we are to u.. #stopit
— Takari Lee (@TakariLee) April 18, 2017
“They should have made her tell the story of my sons accident. Oops! she doesn’t know because to this day she hasn’t asked #basketballwives”
They should have made her tell the story of my sons accident. Oops! she doesn’t know because to this day she hasn’t asked #basketballwives
— Takari Lee (@TakariLee) April 18, 2017
“27 years… Where? Lol, let me be quiet before I wake my kids up….”
27 years… Where? Lol let me be quiet before I wake my kids up….
— Takari Lee (@TakariLee) April 18, 2017
“She would have been just as mad if it was $3.50… That’s the hurtful part ..why do u care so much someone helped me? She didn’t harm me.”
She would have been just as mad if it was $3.50… That’s the hurtful part ..why do u care so much someone helped me? She didn’t harm me.
— Takari Lee (@TakariLee) April 18, 2017
“Please believe @EvelynLozada if I would have had a mother to call at that time I would have called because Lord knows I needed one then…”
Please believe @EvelynLozada if I would have had a mother to call at that time I would have called because Lord knows I needed one then…
— Takari Lee (@TakariLee) April 18, 2017
“Evelyn isn’t the same … They are! She saved the show !!! She even made me watch and I haven’t entertained this since season 1..”
Evelyn isn’t the same … They are! She saved the show !!! She even made me watch and I haven’t entertained this since season 1..
— Takari Lee (@TakariLee) April 18, 2017
“It’s only about a 1 hr weekly special to u… It’s about every day to me… We can do this ..but nobody is speaking for me anymore…”
Its only about a 1 hr weekly special to u… Its about everyday to me… We can do this ..but nobody is speaking for me anymore…
— Takari Lee (@TakariLee) April 18, 2017
“Looks like she made the birth of chani’s child or at least tried to.. Nice!! That’s progress I’m 0 for 3.”
Looks like she made the birth of chani’s child or at least tried to.. Nice!! That’s progress I’m 0 for 3
— Takari Lee (@TakariLee) April 18, 2017
Ta’Kari also wrote to Evelyn to thank her again for her support, writing, “Thieves don’t come for empty houses…you possess all of what they lack!!! Thank you and everyone who cared enough to help us,” and Ev showed Ta’Kari some love, “I would do it all over again! Hugs & Kisses to you and your babies ❤❤❤”
@TakariLee I would do it all over again! Hugs & Kisses to you and your babies
— Evelyn Lozada (@EvelynLozada) April 18, 2017
After all the drama caused by the donation Ev also wrote her thoughts about it and supported Lee.
“Me donating $3500 dollars to help a child is throwing shade? Whatever #basketballwives”
“Is Jackie mad at Matt Barnes too for donating money? #basketballwives”
Is Jackie mad at Matt Barnes too for donating money? #basketballwives
— Evelyn Lozada (@EvelynLozada) April 18, 2017
“Respect? I was giving your daughter and your grandbaby respect. #basketballwives”
Respect? I was giving your daughter and your grand baby respect. #basketballwives
— Evelyn Lozada (@EvelynLozada) April 18, 2017
Moreover, Ta’Kari has made a few appearances on Basketball Wives. Her Sister Chantel has revealed to Laura Govan about their troubled relationship with their mother back in season two of Basketball Wives LA.
We hope the mother and daughter relationship will stabilize and can resolve all their Differences.
Short Bio on Ta’Kari Lee:
Ta’kari Lee is the oldest daughter of Jackie Christie. She was born in the year 1990 and currently, she is 29 years old. She has two siblings, Chantel Christie, and Douglas Christie Jr.
Short Bio on Jackie Christie
Jackie Christie is the wife of basketball star Doug Christie and is a well-known reality television star. She is also known for her appearance on VH1’s “Basketball Wives”. Moreover, she is considered very outspoken and the most controversial cast member by her fans, this American celebrity is very successful both in the entertainment and business world. She owns two companies. She is also a fashion designer and an author More bio…