Ten unique and strange items discovered in the purchased storage lockers on the show Storage Wars!
Viewers like shows which are different and interesting. It is difficult to know which show would become popular. The show Storage Wars is one such show on A&E Network which has, become a hit.
Viewers are curious to know what the contents are in the storage units that the storage people auction.
About the show Storage Wars
This show, Storage Wars aired on A&E Network. The show producers shoot this in the state of California. Here, the law states that if owners of storage units do not make payment for 3 months, the storage unit will go for auction.
On the show, there are a group of veteran buyers who bid for the storage units and purchase those that are abandoned by the owners for various reasons. Later, the contents are priced and profit or loss is calculated. Many times, the buyers discover strange objects in the units. There are also some controversies around the show.
One of the buyers, Dave Hester had filed a lawsuit against the program producers claiming that they were deliberately placing objects inside the lockers for better TV ratings. But whatever is said and done, it is interesting to learn what comes out of the abandoned and bidder lockers. So let us go through some of the items found inside the storage unit.
Beekeeper equipment

Dave Hester had found a Beekeeper outfit and equipment inside one of the units he bid for.
Dog thread wheel
The show bidder Mary had once found a dog thread wheel in one of the units she purchased for $ 775. It was one of the weird finds. She did not know what it was and the only layer she came to know was that it was a doggie hamster wheel used for exercise.
Glass balloon inflating machine
Mary had purchased one unit for $ 50. When she seriously looked into the stuff inside, she found a glass machine in working condition. She had no clue what function it did. Later, on further inquiry, she came to know that it was a balloon inflating machine that entertainers use.
My little pony collection
Jarrod and Brandi purchased a locker and to their surprise found the largest collection of My Little Pony inside it. They had purchased the unit for $ 50 but when they sold the collection, they got $ 1000 for it.

Body piercing equipment
Mark Balelo was an intermittent bidder who has now expired. His find was a complete set of body-piercing equipment indeed.
Vintage Peep Show
This was the discovery in Barry’s storage unit which he purchased for $ 7000. The giant spinning wheel was, created in the early days of the 20th century. It worked something like a flip book. These used to watch dirty films hence the name ‘peep’ show.
The full comic book store
Darrell won this complete inventory of a comic book store and was a jackpot for him.
The two-humped camel saddles
Mary discovered this in a storage unit she purchased for $ 150 in Southern California. It was an animal saddle that was for use on a camel with two humps. Quite a rare find indeed!
Gas mask
Jarrod and Brandi found this relatively new gas mask in a unit that they bought for $ 450.
The Elvis Presley collection

Dave found newspaper clippings from the day Elvis Presley died. The locker probably belonged to a diehard fan of singer Elvis. There were other Elvis collectibles and all were, valued at $90,000.
Source: screen rant