The news of Incredible love story of newly born babies in the same hospital within 24 hour trending all over, Babies named “Romeo and Juliet”
- When you listen to the word ‘Love’ what is the first thing which comes to your mind?
- For most people, the love word begins with the Shakespeare love story.
The stories of Shakespeare are of the next level, that’s the reason we can never put Romeo and Juliet out of our minds. Well, all things are related to this story.

All of these started when photographer Cassie Clayshulte was on a project where she had to photograph newborns at the Coastal Carolina Hospital in the US. At the same hospital, the two infants were born within 24 hours.
The real story of “Romeo-Juliet”
As both babies were born in the same hospital, in the room next to each other, their parents are complete strangers. There may be some connection between both babies as Romeo Hernandez and Juliet Shifflett both were due on March 26 but arrived early.

Edwin and Morgan Hernandez welcomed their baby boy at 2:06 pm on Sunday, and another couple next room filled up with joy after another 18 hours by a welcoming baby girl.
Both couples kept their babies names on their own and also was unknown to each other until the news came out.

Both families kept the name from the same inspirational playwright “Tudor”. They both came up with the name for absolutely different reasons. The Hernandez family took inspiration from a singer, while the Shifflett’s chose Juliet because of a TV show.
After the news came out both families spoke about the reason for choosing the name for CNN.
Morgan Hernandez said,

“We named him after a singer named Romeo Santos that my husband and I both love.”
While Christiana Shifflett said,

“We wanted a J name to go with our son’s name, Jonas. We picked Juliet because we were watching the TV show ‘Psych’ and the character’s name is Jules.”
All the co-incidence was first noticed by the photographer herself when she moved on to the rooms to take the snaps of the infants. After that, she posted the picture on the social site.
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After getting to know the lovely co-incidence people went wild for the news. Isn’t it so adorable? It is just like the couple made in heaven and sent to the world together.
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